Joe Keim
Joe's News Items
Remembering Dalton Keim
On May 10th, 2012 we buried our two year old nephew, the son of my brother William (former Amish) and his wife Jenica.
When we first heard that Dalton passed away, it made little sense and was almost unbearable to accept.
Dalton (front right), two years old, was mischievous and had no fear. His mother was cooking a wild turkey on the stove, which had been boiling in water for four to five hours and as the family eagerly waited for the turkey to get done, little Dalton was behind his mother at the oven and tried to pull himself up by the oven door handle. When he did that, the whole oven tipped forward and all the hot water poured down over his body. William and Jenica just moved into this fully applianced house less than two months ago and had no idea that the oven was not anchored down and the oven could tip. We would like to encourage you to leave a message for William and Jenica. Your message will instantly be send to both of their email accounts.
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Joe's Articles
Contend for the Faith
In Galatians chapter 1, men had come in and were teaching a perverted gospel. Paul was clear: if anyone, even an angel, preached any other gospel, he was to be cursed.
Today, I implore you, my fellow believers, to not just passively hold onto the faith that was once delivered to us but to actively and earnestly contend for it. Consider the words of Jude, who calls us to action.
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The word impute is an accounting term. In Scripture the word impute is speaking of recording our debts or crediting to our accounts. Imagine you go to the store, buy a product, walk to the register, and hand the cashier your credit card.
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Just Listen
Most of us would rate ourselves as good listeners. At least, we would like to think that way. Sadly, most of us are not good listeners. We fail miserably.
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Preach the Gospel!
If we followed Paul's strategy, if we were more concerned about gaining souls for Christ than being right, if we stepped out of our bubble long enough to understand and learn from others, if we placed the value of others above our own.
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Two Sets of Eyeballs
The Lord gave all living creatures one set of eyes to see with. But to mankind, He gave two sets of eyes. Let me explain:
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Open your Mouth and Let God Fill it!
In the Bible, Egypt is a picture of bondage, depression, slavery, oppression, and darkness. For four hundred years, God’s chosen people suffered under the hand of Pharaoh.
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The Brass Serpent
Depending on which commentator you follow, there may have been as many as three million Jews who left Egypt. Finally, the Israelites were free from slavery.
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Jesus Above All
The early church continually struggled to keep their eyes on Jesus Christ. They took the spiritual gifts that God gave to the body and turned them into a man-made religion. They sought after visions and worshipped angels (Col 2).
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The Bride of Christ in the World
I have been thinking about all that is happening in our beloved country and throughout the rest of the world. We are seeing an uprising of unrest, pain, hatred, evil, and wickedness.
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I was Hooked from the Beginning (By: CP)
My parents receive The Amish Voice. There was an advertisement within of a book called What do the Amish Believe. I sent for it immediately...
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I Marvel that Jesus Found Me (By: RM)
Dear Joe Keim: I am so blessed with your much-needed ministry! I still marvel that Jesus found me in a very dark setting where salvation was very clearly taught but still the system clung to low (ordnung), not so much a Holy Spirit relationship.
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Who Says I'm a Christian?
The name Christian was given to the early believers by unbelievers. It was a name of ridicule and mockery. Early believers called themselves brothers, believers, disciples, and saints.
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We are Content with the Faith we Have (By: BH)
Dear Sirs, we have been receiving your letters lately. We are fully contended with the faith we have. Thus we have not even a remote desire to even seek anything else.
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I Am Not God
In part 1 of this article (Nov 2022 AV), we took a moment to prove Gods existence and concluded that belief in God is a matter of faith in that what He reveals to us in His Word is true. Man has a desire to JUDGE and CONTTOL others.
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I Am Not God
Nowhere in the Old and New Testament does a passage of scripture prove Gods existence. Its not there. You cannot find it.
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Revival: What Does it Look Like?
What do you think a real God-sent world-wide revival would look like in 2022? It is a serious question I have had for a long time. We talk about it often. We desire it with all our heart.
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In Those Days
At church, we read together and learned about: in those days, in our days, in the last days.
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Have you Been Baptized?
In the New Testament, the word baptism is found 23 times. The words baptize and baptized are found 74 times. Together, these numbers total 97 times. The following charts show which books of the Bible that baptism, baptize, and baptized are found...
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My Children's Children and Beyond
Lift your head my sister … Lift your head and eyes above all your worries, frustrations, and failures. Are you able to envision the next generation of children in your mind? Now, look further.
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Cain was very angry with his brother, Abel. At some point, his anger turned into hate, which led Cain to murder his own brother.
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I Enjoy your Newsletter, By IN
Dear Amish Voice, greetings of love in our Saviorsname, Jesus Christ. Amen! Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and might, be unto our God forever and ever. Amen (Revelation 7:12).
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The Church of God
Hello Church of God! I felt compelled to share some things with you that I read in my morning study. I was reminded just how special and precious you are in God’s sight. There is not a spot on you, nor a wrinkle or any such thing.
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Pondering Prayer
Before Jesus began His ministry, He rose up a great while before day, went out and found a solitary place, and prayed (Mark 1:35-39).
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Step Out of the Boat Conference
How do you respond when God’s calls you to step out of your comfort zone and all you have to hold onto is the faith you have in God?
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Sixty-eight times, the Word of God refers to his children as saints. Six of Pauls letters to the church are addressed to saints.
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Do you Believe That?
In my lifetime, I do not believe that I have ever run into a person who did not look at themselves and see a sinful human being. From a child up, we just knew.
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The Only Way
Do not think for even a moment that being Amish will earn you one ounce of favor with God. Going to the Amish church, following the church rules and traditions of your forefathers, are not what it takes to enter the presence of God when you die.
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Hid with God!
I would like to encourage you with a scripture passage that God impressed on my heart the past few days. It is reminders like these that will keep us on track and heading in the right direction, particularly during these difficult and dark days.
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Leaders and Followers
Our world of people could, in some sense, be divided into two groups: leaders and followers. Leaders cannot lead without a following and followers cannot follow without a leader. It takes both.
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Step out of the Boat Conference
For several years, the Lord has burdened me to host a conference—a conference where people from all walks of life gather together in one place to get challenged and be encouraged to walk in the fullness of God. In 2020, Joseph Graber, myself and a few other godly men met in Holmes County to discuss the details, come up with a date and find a place to meet, but it never happened. I’m not sure why, other than it was not God’s timing. But now that we have entered 2021, I am thoroughly convinced that we must move forward with this conference.
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Wolves Dressed in Sheep's Clothing, by AM
Please do not send us a single issue of the false doctrine you print. It is clearly false doctrine. The Lord will judge. The reason we unsubscribed is because of false doctrine, and did not Jesus say we should be careful of wolves that come dressed in sheep clothing. No, it’s not even dressed in sheep clothing - it’s wolves through and through. Don’t want to hear more from you.
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I'm Interested in Writing Religious Books, By DF
My address speaks for itself about where I’m at. I’m interested in writing religious books, therefore my chaplain directed me to write you a letter. I have an unfinished manuscript that consists of multiple sermons that were written in church, word for word, and then translated into English.
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Well Written and Theologically Sound, By EO
Dear sir, I don't know who might have submitted my name and address, but I am thankful that I had the opportunity to read the Amish voice. It is very well written and theologically sound.
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Who Cast Jonah into the Sea?
Christians always talk about how Jonah was cast into the sea by the men who ran the ship. And, that of course is backed up by the following Scripture in Jonah 1:15.
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Wealth and Power
Have you ever asked yourself: Why are the ungodly so blessed with wealth? As of May 17, 2020, Jeff Bezos (Head of Amazon) tops out at $145.4B. Bill Gates, at #2, is worth 104.8B. Mark Zuckerberg, at #4, is worth 77.8B. Between the three, they have 326 billion dollars.
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The Power of the Tongue
Far too many people, who don’t realize the power of their own words, are talking themselves to death. They speak forth whatever negative thing they feel or have been told, and don’t realize that they are signing their own death warrants.
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God has a Gift for You!
Eternal life is free! It is a gift from God! You cannot buy it! You cannot earn it! It never stops giving! It has no end! It is forever!
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Does God Care if I Vote?
As you know from previous issues of the Amish Voice, we believe it is our duty to get involved in the voting process of our government officials.
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Does God Exist?
Do the Holy Scriptures prove the existence of God? The answer, of course, is no. The Bible does not prove that God exists. However, we can read in the Bible: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. (Genesis 1:1)
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Why is the Amish Voice not written in German?, By A.B.
Please take us off your mailing list. Why is the Amish Voice not written in German instead of English? Something’s not right about that since the main language for any Amish anywhere is German.
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Fear of the Unknown
Fear is not fun to live with. It steals our sleep, our peace, our joy, and our courage from us. Fear is the opposite of faith and trust. It is a tormentor! People fear losing their jobs, dying early, the dark, illness, disease, not being able to pay their bills, and on and on. Sometimes fear is short lived; other times fear goes on for days, sometimes years.
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The Inner Battle
This morning I was feeling challenged in the area of forgiving people who talked nicely to my face but threw me in the frying pan the minute I turned my back. The thoughts and feelings crept in slowly and unannounced. It was not until I was awake for an hour that I suddenly realized—this whole thing is mentally devouring me.
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Original Mandate
Here is the original mandate for the human race: Genesis 1:27–28 says, So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them:
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Head Covering: Should I Wear One?
My biggest question right now is about head covering. Should I? Shouldn't I? Is it a command? Does it matter? If you could help me gain clarity on this issue I would greatly appreciate it. It is the main area of contention between me and them and I really have no answer.
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Forsaking All and Following Jesus
One by one, Jesus called out and said follow me. Peter and Andrew said yes. James and John said yes. So did eight others. They dropped all—their jobs, incomes and family and followed immediately.
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God Wants to be Best Friends with You
As our world becomes more and more selfish and godless, it becomes harder and harder to stay focused on eternity and the return of Jesus Christ. Dads, moms and single adults are to the point of wanting to give up. They feel frustrated with Americanized Christianity. While we point our fingers at them, they point their fingers at us – it's the same blame game that started in the Garden of Eden and is now devouring our government and news media. Some shout: we need another reformation! Others, are just going through the motions, hoping that somehow things will make a turn for the better or Jesus comes back and removes us from the chaos.
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Keep the Tradition of the Church
Question: When someone leaves the Amish 2 Thessalonians 3:6 is used to tell them that they are making a wrong decision by leaving. How do you explain this?
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Emotional Wounds
Emotional wounds are just as painful and real as physical wounds. Both wounds require time to heal. Neither one can be hidden or ignored. If I'm dealing with a physical wound on my hand, I fear that people will try to shake my hurting hand; so I pull back, stay away from crowds and hide in the shadows. If I'm dealing with an emotional wound in my heart, I will fear that someone will come too close, rub against my pain and hurt me all over again. For that reason, I'll build a wall around my emotional wound and live in a prison cell without bars. I feed my wound through all kinds of addictions; I’ll protect those same wounds by losing my temper and staying in control of everyone's life around me.
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The 6,000 Year Old Race
This morning, the Lord has been speaking to my heart.
Joe, all those who have been born of the Spirit are in a race, a race that began 6,000 years ago in the Garden of Eden.
In this race, your top goal is to pass the Message of Faith on to the next generation. Do not get distracted by the world and all of its temporary possessions. Do not get distracted by the runners next to you. Keep your eyes on the goal!
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What is your Life?
Through His Spirit, God wrote: For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away (James 4:14).
When I was young, I thought fifty years of age was old – very old; I thought it would take a long time to get there. But as I write, I must tell you, I am just seven days away from turning fifty. It all happened so quickly!
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What Separates Christianity From All Other Religions?
Let’s start with some questions, before we dig into What Separates Christianity From All Other Religions.
First question. If I sat across the table from you, and asked, do you—with great confidence—know what you believe about Christianity? What would you use to back up your answers?
How do your beliefs differ from 4,200 other religions in the world?
How do you know you have the right belief(s)?
Would you change your beliefs, if you knew they were wrong?
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Who is the Holy Spirit of God?
Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come (John 16:13).
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What Must I do to be Saved?
(V-7) … . which are saved hath saved usnowwe know And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God... Revelation 20:12Do you believe?Does it scare you when someone says to you: I got saved?
The answer oftentimes is yes, and there are various reasons why. Here are some of them:
Those who get saved leave the Amish. For that reason, many Amish people have associated those getting saved with excommunication and leaving the Amish church.
To say I got saved, means that I can live any way I want to and still go to heaven.
Getting saved and having assurance of my salvation means that I am filled with pride.
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Fornication, Adultery, and Homosexuality
Throughout my growing up years, I was very much aware that one should not use the word “sex” in public. Let me go one step further. I was of the mindset that the word itself was dirty—right up there with all the other swear words. Furthermore, it was my understanding that only moms and dads were allowed to use the forbidden word, and then only behind closed doors. I’m not sure why I felt that way. Somewhere, somehow, someone taught me to think that sex was connected with the dark side and was sinful.
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Me! Join the Church? Why?
For more than 2,000 years, the Lord Jesus has used the local church as a vehicle to call tens of thousands of missionaries to the mission field. The Lord Jesus has used the local church as a way for His people to come together in one place and worship His holy name.
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Born of the Spirit
The Word of God is clear and leaves no room for doubt; if one desires to see or enter the kingdom of God he/she MUST be born again. John 3:3 and 3:5 says: Jesus answered and said unto him [Nicodemus], Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
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25 Things That Happen The Moment You Are Born Again
25 Changes That Take Place the The believer is translated from the power of darkness: (1) The believer SHALL not come into condemnation but is PASSED from DEATH unto LIFE, (2) The believer is translated from the power of darkness, (3) The believer is SEALED with ....
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Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself
I was recently asked to speak on the subject, “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” After studying and doing my research, I was very much amazed at what I found.
For instance, consider that:
Eight times in the Bible we are commanded to love thy neighbor as thyself.
The phrase, love thy neighbor as thyself, is one of the most repeated commands in the Bible.
Jesus said: to love God and your neighbor as yourself is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.—Mark 12:33
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Can I Lose My Salvation
I have a question. What does Hebrews 6:4-6 mean? It sounds like you can reject your salvation that you once had.
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The Heart of God
I know the days are evil and many of our country's leaders are corrupt. You know that, too. Feelings of powerlessness go to bed with us, and when we awake, they are right there waiting to follow us another day. The results: many are gasping for relief, but be aware, be careful who you open yourself up to and what you grab onto for relief. God has already warned us that "many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many." He also warns us that "there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect" (Matthew 24).
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Do you Know What you Believe?
Every single hour of our life, we are faced with distractions and interruptions in this world, which makes it ever so difficult to stay glued to what is most important. And as we enter into the last hours before Christ’s return, we must push forward and not lose focus.
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Christianity: Faith or by Sight?
Our God is a giving God and has given mankind many things in this life to use and enjoy. Among the many things He has given us, one shows up at the top of the list. Like all His gifts, this one cannot be bought with money; it is free, without strings attached. The gift I am going to discuss with you today is used continually throughout our lives, and the more we exercise it, the better and more powerful it becomes. It is named in the list of fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5, and is illustrated for us throughout the entire Old and New Testaments. What is it? It is FAITH.
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The Spirit of Rebellion
I believe that most, if not all, who have left the Amish and our parents, live life with a spirit of rebellion. And truthfully, if we had not been carrying some of that rebellion back in the day, we would not have left our culture in the first place. It is that rebellion that caused us to throw our arms up and say "I had enough _______________", and you can fill in the blank. Those who give in and yield to their parents and the rules of the Amish church are still at home and, well, life goes on for them.
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Are You a Thankful Person?
Do you consider yourself a thankful person? What I mean is, when was the last time you stopped, looked someone in the eyes, and said, “Thank you?” When was the last time you sat down and wrote a heartfelt note to a friend or spouse using those powerful and amazing words, “Thank you for what you did for me”? What about God? Do you appreciate Him for all He does for you? Do you tell Him thank you? How many years has He provided you with food? Breath? Protection? Health? Finances? Family? Love? Roof over your head? Job?
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Knowing and Experiencing the Holy Spirit
As church goers and claimers of the Christian faith, I'm sure we have heard of the Holy Spirit. But how many of us can really claim to know the Holy Spirit? Even if we claim to know Him, how many of us are experiencing Him in our day to day lives? Is the Holy Spirit real to you? Have you ever sat and talked with Him like you might talk to a spouse or very dear friend? Does He speak to you?
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Please Turn to the Text
The following article shows some of what often happens in the life of Joe Keim. It tells how he and a young Amish man have been communicating by texting over several months, some of the challenges involved, and why Mission to Amish People is so much needed. Some of the names and locations have been changed for privacy reasons. The bold font contains the words of Alvin Martin, the Amish man, while the regular font shows the communication of Joe Keim.
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Teaching and Equipping Our Children for Life
Sadly though, many parents stop short of teaching their children anything about sex, pregnancy, and newborn babies. To some parents, these topics are forbidden outside a closed bedroom door and should only be discussed between husband and wife. To others, using the word "sex" in front of a young single adult is almost as bad as swearing.
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Love, Dating and Marriage
Those who have children who turned out well know how much time it took. It takes much prayer and spending time together as a family, but in the end it is well worth the effort. You see, you are not only raising one generation, but you are also impacting generations to come. If you do it right, your children will do it right. And if your children will do it right, so will their children.
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What does the Bible say about going to war?
Since the Bible clearly states "Thou shalt not kill", how can going to war and killing be justified?
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The Fruit of The Spirit
Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. Wouldn't it be great to live a life with all of these wonderful characteristics coming from within you on a daily basis? What would a life filled with constant and overflowing joy look like? Do you know someone who walks in complete peace, regardless of the turmoil that is going around them? How about that gentle person in your life?
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Wild parties and sex before marriage: What does God say about it?
More and more young people who have left the Amish are sleeping together and having sex before they are married. Wild parties and getting drunk seem to be the norm. Sadly, many who are involved in sex and beer parties even claim they prayed a prayer and got saved.
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Generational Patterns and Punishment
Does the thought ever occur to you that, as a parent, you are doing more than just raising ONE generation of children and then you’re done? The point I’m making is: what you do or don't do with your children will have a direct impact on the outcome of your grandchildren, great grandchildren and great-great grandchildren.
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Finishing the Course - Keeping the Faith
The first time I met Dan Byler, I knew right away he and I would be friends for life. He was a man on fire for God who burned with a passion to reach world for Christ. You see, he understood all too well what it was like to be lost and searching for true meaning in life. And he never forgot what it felt like when Jesus reached down from heaven, loved him unconditionally, forgave him of his sins and freely gave him everlasting life.
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How many Amish people are born again? 20%? 50%? 100%?
Coby: I am shocked to find that you believe that the Amish in general do not have a saving relationship with Jesus.
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Divorce and Remarriage - Does God Permit It?
Question: I am considering and praying about divorcing, and the thought is SCAREY. I still love my husband, but he is ignoring me like I'm a piece of trash. I can't reason with him whatsoever, and I believe God is asking me to let go of him! What do you believe is God's heart on divorce and re-marriage for an innocent partner?
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Will Heaven Be Divided Up Into Sections?
Has it ever crossed your mind as to how God is setting up heaven for all the different people groups who live on earth? Is He setting it up in such a way that in one area you have the English people; go a little further and you find the Hutterites; go a little further and find the Chinese, go a little further and now we come to the Amish section of heaven. Or do you think that once we get to heaven we will all live together as one big happy family?
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Youth Leaving the Amish Culture
Why are there so many young people leaving their parents and the Amish culture? Is it because the days are evil and according to Romans 1:30 and II Tim 3:2, it will just end that way? Is it because young people want to know why they are required to live differently from the rest of American society and are not getting solid answers (at least in their own mind) that make sense? Is it because more and more Amish youth have cell phones and are able to stay connected with their friends who left before them and, in the process, get talked into leaving too? Is it because the Amish population continues to grow (doubling in size every 15 years). And as it grows, the number of youth leaving becomes greater too?
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How Can You Pass Such Harsh Judgment on the Amish?
I'm sorry, Joe Keim, but I do not understand your views. If a person believes, he believes and is saved (John 3:16) and if you believe, you will try to live a good life, helping others. None is without sin. I am sure you have sinned and will sin again.
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The Magic Is Not In The Faucet
Thomas Edward Lawrence was born on August 16, 1888, in England. When Lawrence grew to manhood, he joined the British Military and soon became famous for his daring actions in Arabia. During the war, Lawrence formed close friendships with many of the LEADERS of Arabia, and, when the war was over, he brought some of these LEADERS back to England to show his appreciation for their support.
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Questions and Answers
The following letter was sent in response to an article I wrote in the fall of 2011.
Kentucky: Greetings in Jesus name. Hope this finds you well. I have been reading the Amish Voice for some time. And at times I have questions. For example: In the September issue on "Salvation: Event or Process?" I understand you to say that Jesus' death on the cross paid for all of our sins. My question is, were our sins paid for or are/were they forgiven?
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Give Yourself A Pat On The Back
Have you ever felt like no one appreciates you for who you are? Do you ever feel like you are trying ever so hard to get ahead and yet no one notices?
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Law Moved Aside and Faith In Christ Stepped In
"Before faith came, we were under the law"-before Jesus' work on the cross was completed, all of mankind was under the law. The law, could be described as a person who is constantly watching over your shoulder, and every time you break a law, he points his finger in your face and cries: Law breaker! Guilty! Condemned! Judged! Failure!
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Are the Amish Truly Born Again?
I've never questioned the fact there are Amish people who've had a born again experience but have chosen to stay Amish in spite of their conversion. The question is: how many would you say are really born again? Few? About half? Most?
Maybe these questions don't mean much to you, however, they are very important to me, since I speak on this subject on a regular basis, and it is NOT my desire to paint a dishonest picture of the Amish.
Having been in full time ministry since 2000, I run into mostly ones who do not understand salvation and will excommunicate those who take a stand for faith alone, grace alone, Christ alone for salvation.
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Children, Obey Your Parents
On numerous occasions, I've heard well-meaning parents ask, "Don't you know that obeying your parents is the first command in the Bible?" Then their question is backed up with Ephesians 6:1-3, Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise) That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.
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Salvation: Event Or Process?
Can a person know all about Jesus Christ, such as: He is the Son of God; He came to planet earth, died for their sins, rose the third day, went back to heaven and is coming again...and still be cast into the lake of fire at the end of their journey on earth?
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What Does The Bible Say About Paying Taxes
What did Jesus teach his disciples about paying taxes? We will see that the Bible is very clear on this issue. If you read Matthew 17:24-27, you will learn that even Jesus paid taxes: The Bible says, when Jesus and his disciples arrived in Capernaum, the tax collectors came to Peter and asked, "Doth not your master pay tribute (taxes)?"
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Drawing Lines In The Sand
A young man died and went to Heaven. He had only recently become a Christian, but not a member of any particular church, so St. Peter showed him around the heavenly mansion. In one room were people sitting in quiet prayer. These were the Amish. Down the hall were people shouting in every language. These were the Pentecostals. On and on they went until Peter suddenly held his finger to his lips, and said Shhhh,"we have to be very quiet going by this room." "Why? the young man asked."
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Excommunication and Shunning Members of the Church (Part 3 of 3)
The following letter is in response to the article labeled Excommunication and Shunning, January 2011 issue.
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Excommunication and Shunning Members of the Church (Part 2 of 3)
Response and followup on the January article.
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Woman Behold Thy Son!
A while back, a friend of mine pointed something out to me that I thought was very interesting; something I had not really thought of before. So without further ado, today, I would like to share it with you as well.
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How Do I Deal With Everyday Problems?
God has given us specific information on how to handle the difficulties of life. All believers are surrounded by persons, places, events, situations and problems. As we live and move among people and problems, God has told us what we should be doing.
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Excommunication and Shunning Members of the Church (Part 1 of 3)
Excommunication and shunning, as most of us know, was one of the main reasons why Jacob Amman split away from the Mennonites in late 1600's. In fact, let's visit parts of that history before we get into our main study today.
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Who Cast Jonah Into The Sea?
You often hear Christians talk about how Jonah was cast into the sea by the men who ran the ship. And, that of course is backed up with the following Scripture in Jonah 1:15.
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Jesus The Christ: Born In A Manger
The story that I am about to share with you only happened once in the history of mankind. And when it happened, it was so special and so precious that for the past 2,000 years, mankind has not been able to stop talking about it. The story that we are going to read in a minute is one that has been preached millions upon millions of times all over the world. Tens of thousands of books have been written about it and for many generations, fathers, mothers, boys and girls have passed this priceless story on to the next generation. It is the story that never grows old and will continue to be spoken of throughout all eternity.
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Finish The Course
Tonight, we were informed that an Amish man in his late thirty's is lying in a bed, struggling for just a little more time on this side of eternity. This family man has been stricken with cancer that cannot be stopped without God's intervention.
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Let The World Die And Spend Eternity In Hell?
Mark chapter 16 is quite possibly one the most exciting chapters in the entire Bible; it is in the 6th verse of this chapter that we are told that...Jesus Is Risen! Do you realize that those three words, in Mark 16:6, set Christianity apart from ALL other religions in the world? Let me explain.
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Does God Exist?
If someone asks you to prove that God exists, What do you tell them?
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An Unbalanced Life
It seems hard to believe, but we are already half way through the year. For many of us, it is the busiest time of all. And when we get busy, we have a tendency to work from daylight to darkness-six days a week.
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Security of a Believer
25 things that happen the moment a person places their faith in Jesus Christ for salvation
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My Grace Is Sufficient For Thee
Are you an angry person? Do you hold grudges against your spouse, children, and others? Has bitterness wrapped itself around you like chains, to the point where you often times feel like a prisoner, living in a dungeon, and completely unable to come free? Maybe, you have even considered suicide, because in your mind, that may be the only way out. Ah friend, let me tell you, there is a way out.
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Amish People: Born Again The Same Way As Others?
The Word of God is clear and leaves no room for doubt; if one desires to see or enter the kingdom of God s/he MUST be born again.
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Eternal Life Is Free!
God's Word is clear in many places throughout the Bible; eternal life is free! It is a gift from God! You cannot buy it, and you cannot earn it through your own good works.
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When Revival Comes!
"When Revival Comes" was the title of a famous book, written by Leonard Ravenhill, a man greatly anointed of God. We are in need of revival! I heard the statement recently, "why are there so many dead churches?" Now, you can agree or disagree with that statement, but the truth is, there are many more churches dead and cold, then moving and lively.
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Where Art Thou?
You know the story. Adam and Eve had sinned by doing what God had specifically told them not to do. But then Genesis 3:8 says... "they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God"
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Count The Cost
The passage is ever so clear, if we want to be a follower of Christ, we must be willing to loose everything, including the people who are closest to us. If we are unwilling to do this, we will fail. And if we say, "we are a follower of Jesus, and yet are not willing to obey this command", we hinder others from following Him as well.
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One Million Years From Now . . .
One million years from now, what will be the only thing that will matter? Will it matter how much money you made? Will it matter how much property you owned? Will it matter that you worked 15 hours a day and neglected God and your family?
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Have You Fully Surrendered Your Heart To God?
The apostle Paul writes in Philippians 3:7-10: But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, And be found in HIM,
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Equal Before God
Is one race of people of more value than another race? Is there a culture of people who has more merit, more worth than any other culture? Is there a group of people anyplace on earth who has more qualities within them that makes them more valuable than any other group of people?
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Be Still And Know That I Am God
I have been thinking a lot about how people are so busy in life these days. It seems that everyone is continually running like crazy in order to make ends meet.
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Examine Yourselves
When was the last time you stopped, closed your eyes and looked all the way down deep into your heart and soul to see whether you were truly prepared to die and meet your creator? If you have not done so in awhile, would you consider doing that now? And when you do that, would you consider the following scripture?
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Dear God, Send Just One More Great Awakening
Well, it happened again. I woke up two hours before it was time to get up this morning. Like so many other mornings, I couldn't sleep because of my bottomless desire to see revival break out across our Amish communities and the land we live in.
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Pleasing Men or Pleasing God?
Hello Friend, I hope this finds you doing well. I pray that God is continually filling you with a deeper hunger to serve Him. I have found that if we are not careful, we can very quickly allow men to keep us from following and serving God the way He wants us to.
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Hunting for Fault
Hunting is a popular sport in Ohio. I have enjoyed many days in the woods while hunting squirrel, rabbits and deer. I've learned that although you have the right equipment, the proper skill, great weather and territory, you do not always find the game you're hunting for.
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What is the Church?
I have to confess that there was a time in my life, probably around my 18th birthday, when I oftentimes wondered how it was possible that God could accept people into His Kingdom who were from all walks of life. For instance...
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Hungering and Thirsting After God
Do you ever find yourself not being able to sleep at night because you want more of God in your life? Do you find yourself hungering and thirsting for a much deeper, stronger, and a more real relationship with the Lord? Has it ever become so important to you that you laid down on the floor and wept until the floor around you was wet?
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The Church That Exploded
We learned from our previous study that Jesus called a meeting with his 12 apostles and in that meeting He introduced a brand new concept, called the church. All throughout the Old Testament, the church had not been mentioned once. But as we know from before, the New Testament mentions the church 128 times.
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The Importance of Public Prayer
We had discussed the issue of laying our prayer books aside and coming together as small groups for some real, from the heart, crying out to God, prayer time. Wow! Some of you who responded were all for getting together to pray and excited to hear that others felt the same way; others felt quite the opposite and used Matthew 6:6 to back up why they were against group prayer.
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Weekly Prayer Meetings
In 2 Chronicles 7:14, God spoke to Solomon and said, If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
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Which Church Is The Right Church?
Do you ever wonder which church is the right church? I mean, when you get right down to it, we have all kinds, and all types of different churches in the world that we live in. According to the World Christian Encyclopedia, there may be as many as 34,000 different types of religions in the world today. Among the Amish alone, we have a wide range of church types.
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God Seeks A Relationship With You
God passionately desires a real relationship with you-Jesus said in John 4:23, But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
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Leave the Amish Alone!
I was raised and grew up in NY, now living in IL. I haven't done enough research to know exactly what or why you are so against the Amish way. All I know is I was good friends with an Amish family and knew other families as well. I never had a problem with any of them and trusted them more than I trust most.
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Amish School Shooting in Nickel Mines, PA
Nickel Mines Pennsylvania Amish School Shooting: The following responses came from former Amish people who questioned how the Amish were able to forgive the man who walked into a schoolhouse in Nickel Mines, PA in 2006 and shot five little girls to death, before killing himself.
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