Hunting for Fault
By Joe Keim
January 1, 2008
Hunting is a popular sport in Ohio. I have enjoyed many days in the woods while hunting squirrel, rabbits and deer. I've learned that although you have the right equipment, the proper skill, great weather and territory, you do not always find the game you're hunting for.
I've also learned that there is another kind of hunting that takes place all the time. You don't need a gun, a license, or hunting guide. This other kind of hunting is easy to do. It takes no training, no talent, no particular territory and no practice. What you're hunting for is in great supply and easy to find anywhere. What is this game you're hunting for? It's called FAULT! Have you ever gone hunting for FAULT before? (Be honest now!) And when you found FAULT, did it ever really make you feel better or help anyone else?
The Pharisees used to exercise judgment and find FAULT with everyone, including Jesus. Therefore, He deals with the subject of judging and FAULT finding in the following scripture.
Matthew 7:1-2, Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
The Pharisees would "hunt" for someone to judge, NEVER thinking that one day God would judge them. Please note that there are two guaranteed results of judging others: (1) We WILL receive from people EXACTLY what we give out! It's a mirror. (2) Someday you and I will stand before a Holy God and be judged with the same measure we judged others!
Maybe you are one who says, well I have tried to quit judging others but I just can't seem to overcome. Would it help if I shared a story with you that helped me a couple of years ago? It's just a simple little story but it really got my attention and best of all, it stuck. Here it is...A Buzzard and a Humming bird fly over the same desert. One is looking for something dead and rotting. The other is looking for pretty, colorful flowers. BOTH find what they're looking for!
In order for us to change from being a Buzzard to a Humming bird, we have to decide ahead of time that when the next situation of fault finding and judging arises, we have to immediately take action and block all negative thought and action from our mind. And let's not forget that oftentimes we are guilty of doing the very same thing we judge others for. Just like the following scripture says.
Romans 2:1 ...for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.
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