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I Just Want to Thank You
| May 1, 2017Thank you Jesus for forgiving me. Thank you for your redemptive work on Calvary Cross. Thank you for loving me when I couldn’t love myself. Thank you for defeating me in my rebellion, conquering me in my sin, winning my heart, and capturing my mind. Thank you for being my hope, and my best friend. Thank you for welcoming me into your presence, working on me, reshaping me, molding me. Thank you for providing for my family, shielding and guiding me and all your people.

A Willing Servant
| March 1, 2017Thank you, Jesus, for forgiving me. Thank you for your redemptive work on Calvary’s cross. Thank you for loving me when I couldn’t love myself. Thank you for defeating me in my rebellion, conquering me in my sin, winning my heart, and capturing my mind. Thank you for being my hope and my best friend. Thank you for welcoming me into your presence, working on me, reshaping me, and molding me. Thank you for providing for my family, shielding and guiding me and all your people.

Don't Strike
| March 1, 2017There is a story told of a philosopher who was walking along a road one day when he saw a young man vainly trying to get a calf through a gate.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, gentleness, inspirational, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments

The Storm
| July 1, 2015Years ago, I was gripped as I listened to a minister who for several years had faithfully served the church. His work had taken him all over this country. As he concluded his message, he told of one of the most frightening yet thought-provoking experiences of his life.
He had been on a long flight from one place to another. The first warning of the approaching problems came when the sign on the airplane flashed on: Fasten your seat belts. Then, after a while, a calm voice said, "We shall not be serving the beverages at this time as we are expecting a little turbulence. Please be sure your seat belt is fastened."

Conflicting Choices
| March 1, 2014David and his life-long buddy, Jonas, stepped into the darkness of night as they left the singing and headed for the barn. Neither one had asked for a date as they stepped into the late winter night. Under the cover of darkness, David cleared his throat and then spoke: "I want to tell you what happened to me about a month ago. I hope you'll understand me better than some did whom I have talked to about it."
"Does it have to do with our church rules and regulations?" Jonas wanted to know.
Keywords: amish, forgiveness, godly lifestyle, grudges, hurt, lydia chorpening, map ministry, mission to amish people, regulations, rules | 0 comments

The Dream God Gave Me
| January 1, 2014It was time for the returning of Jesus...The Father was sitting on His throne. There were lots and lots of people sitting in the room. Then it was time for everyone to get in line and receive the Judgment from the Father. The line was endless! There were people I knew and lots of people I didn't know. At first I was surprised to see so many people were happy (they were saved.) but then the stream of lost souls (crying and angry) started pouring out of the building. It was a steady stream...double was so sad! The ones left still standing...waiting in line... had to push their way thru the steady stream of lost souls.

The Lingering Christmas
| January 1, 2014It was a good thing that the Christmas carolers has bundled up snuggly in their dark-colored hats, bonnets, boots, and gloves as the snow swished across the countryside. David had been going with the young people to bring goodies and cheer to shut-ins for a few years. He had always loved to sing Christmas hymns with his strong voice, but tonight was different. It wasn't that he didn't still experience the sheer joy of singing, but this time he was not only pushing out words by using his own vocal cords, but it seemed that a voice was calling to him from deep down inside as they sang.

The Dream
| October 31, 2013"Oh, it's so strange," Mattie began. "Last night I had a disturbing dream but I didn't tell you about it, and now I've dreamed it again."
"Well, what did you dream?"
"I hate to admit it, but remember how you have been telling me that we can only be saved by the grace and love of God toward us?"

Choosing Our Cross
| May 1, 2013Sometimes I stop and wonder why God in his merciful love
Sent His only son, Jesus, down from the beautiful heaven above.
Was it because our gracious God could see beyond that huge loss,
And this was the only way to teach us to accept our own cross?

Come Unto Me
| July 1, 2012Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. -Matthew 11:28-30
Penciled in the Margins of My Bible
| January 1, 2012So many of us, men & women alike have areas in our lives that are broken and only our Heavenly Father can heal them.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, inspirational, map ministry, mission to amish people, t. suzanne eller | 0 comments
My Jesus, He Is Everything To Me
| January 1, 2012He is the First and Last, the Beginning and the End! He is the Architect of the universe and the Manager of all time. He always was, He always is, and He always will be..... Unmoved, Unchanged, Undefeated, but never Undone! He was bruised and brought healing! He was pierced and eased pain! He was persecuted and brought freedom! He was dead and brought life! He is risen and brings power! He reigns and brings peace!
Keywords: amish, amish voice, inspirational, jesus, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments
Christian Suffering
| January 1, 2012Christians of a bygone era prepared themselves for trouble. They expected hard times and a difficult life. They understood that entrance into the Kingdom of God was strewn with days of tribulation.

Who Is My God?
| November 1, 2011He is the Loving Father I Run to, When:
I'm weeping either from sorrow, or sadness, or pain, and He wipes away every tear from my eye.
I'm feeling insecure and don't know which way to turn.
I need a touch of His gentle hand on my soul to remind me Who is in control of all things in my life.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, dee yoder, inspirational, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments
Thy Rod and Thy Staff, They Comfort Me
| November 1, 2011The shepherd's rod is used to protect the sheep; the staff to correct them. The sheep finds comfort in both these instruments. The sheep needs both protection from his enemies and correction in the way.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, glen archer, inspirational, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments
The Lord Is My Shepherd
| September 1, 2011The Lord Is My Shepherd: He Leads Me in Paths of Righteousness for His Name's Sake. -Psalm 23:3 He found me weary, and wounded, and wandering. When He passed by and saw me polluted in my own blood, He said unto me, "Live."
Keywords: amish, amish voice, glen archer, inspirational, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments

Baptized by My Spirit
| July 15, 2011"Papa, how can I show these people how much I want to live inside of them? Will they get it?"
"It's okay, Son. We will think of a way to help them understand."
Silence in heaven. Suddenly a voice of glory rings out. "I know! I will give them My body to eat and My blood to drink! Yeah!"
Keywords: amish, baptised, communion, god, harvey yoder, inspirational, mission to amish people | 1 comments
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made: The Heart
| May 1, 2011Our physical heart is responsible for pumping life-sustaining blood to the body. The blood contains nutrients (food) and oxygen that the body must have to live. Even though it is a small organ, about the size of a man's hand, it pushes blood along a 60,000-mile-long network of vessels! These vessels are like straws that the blood flows through.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, inspirational, map ministry, mission to amish people, robert mccallum | 0 comments
Reflections of a Mother
| May 1, 2011I gave you life, but cannot live it for you; I can teach you right from wrong but I cannot always decide for you; I can take you to church but I cannot make you believe
Keywords: amish, amish voice, inspriational, map ministry, mission to amish people, mother | 0 comments
Cherokee Legend
| January 1, 2011Do you know the legend of the Cherokee Indian youth's rite of Passage?
Keywords: amish, amish voice, faith, inspriational, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments
Old Barns And Old People
| July 1, 2010A stranger came by the other day with an offer that set me to thinking. He wanted to buy the old barn that sits out by the highway. I told him right off, he was crazy.
Life Is Like Two Rails On A Railroad Track
| March 1, 2009 People ask me, what is the purpose of life? And I respond: In a nutshell, life is preparation for eternity. We were made to last forever, and God wants us to be with Him in Heaven. One day my heart is going to stop, and that will be the end of my body-- but not the end of me.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, eternity, inspirational, life, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments
No Perfect Church
| March 1, 2009 It is related that a man once came to Charles H. Spurgeon, and asked that great preacher if his church was a pure church. He said he was looking for a pure church that he might belong to it. Mr. Spurgeon said that he did not know about his own church; but he did know that there were many good people in it-saintly people and truly Christian people.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, bernard bain, charles spurgeon, church, inspirational, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments
When Your Hut's On Fire
| January 1, 2009 The only survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small, uninhabited island. He prayed feverishly for God to rescue him. Every day he scanned the horizon for help, but none seemed forthcoming.
Inspiring Isn't A Big Enough Word For This Pony
| January 1, 2009Meet Molly. She's a gray speckled pony who was abandoned by her owners when Katrina hit southern Louisiana. She spent weeks on her own before finally being rescued and taken to a farm where abandoned animals were stockpiled. While there, she was attacked by a pit bull terrier, and almost died. Her gnawed right front leg became infected and her vet went to LSU for help. But LSU was overwhelmed, and this pony was a welfare case.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, inspirational, map ministry, mission to amish people, molly the horse | 0 comments
An Old Farmer's Advice
| January 1, 2009Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight, and bull-strong. Life is simpler when you plow around the stump. Words that soak into your ears are whispered...not yelled. Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you.
The Law of the Garbage Truck
| November 1, 2008I hopped onto the buggy and we took off for town. We were just driving along when suddenly out of nowhere, a team of horses, hitched to an old box wagon jumped out of a side road, right in front of us. My dad pulled back on the reins and our horse came to a quick stop; we just barely missed the side of the wagon.
The Tale of Two Horses
| November 1, 2008 Just up the road from my home is a field, with two horses in it. From a distance, each horse looks like any other horse. But if you stop your buggy, or are walking by, you will notice something quite amazing.
Silent Answers
| November 1, 2008 Once a young couple lost their only child, a beautiful three-year-old daughter, as a result of a freak accident. Unable to justify this tragedy with their concept of a loving God, they went to their minister for help. "Why?" they asked. "It was God's will," the preacher told them.
Nails In The Fence
| September 1, 2008There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His Father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the back of the fence. The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, anger, inspirational, map ministry, mission to amish people, self-control, temper | 0 comments