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Fear Not
| January 1, 2023When Angels spoke to people they often said, Fear not. Jesus told us to Fear not. Yet many, many people, believers and unbelievers alike, struggle with fear.
I Am Not God
| January 1, 2023In part 1 of this article (Nov 2022 AV), we took a moment to prove Gods existence and concluded that belief in God is a matter of faith in that what He reveals to us in His Word is true. Man has a desire to JUDGE and CONTTOL others.
New Covenant Versus Old Covenant
| November 1, 2022The laws that God made and gave to Moses are called the Old Covenant. It includes, but is not limited to, the Ten Commandments. This was basically an agreement from God that, if obeyed, a blessing would follow. If not obeyed, you would be punished.
My Yoke is Easy
| November 1, 2022Is the Christian life easy? Or is it hard? It is tragic how many people believe that it is hard to live the Christian life.
I Am Not God
| November 1, 2022Nowhere in the Old and New Testament does a passage of scripture prove Gods existence. Its not there. You cannot find it.
The History of the Amish (Part 1)
| November 1, 2022For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. (Romans 1:17)
Understanding Salvation
| November 1, 2022Let’s look at the record of what Jesus did while He was in His human body.
Revival: What Does it Look Like?
| November 1, 2022What do you think a real God-sent world-wide revival would look like in 2022? It is a serious question I have had for a long time. We talk about it often. We desire it with all our heart.
When the Old Still Hurts
| September 17, 2022Many years ago, I sprained my ankle very badly. I went to the doctor expecting that it would be broken. He said that it was not broken, but it would have been better if it was. What?
The Grace of God
| September 1, 2022The grace of God is probably my favorite topic to write or to preach about.
Seek and Keep on Seeking
| September 1, 2022Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, During every sermon, we hear the words, “I wish upon all of you the grace of God, the rich, pure love of Jesus Christ, and the accompanying power of the Holy Spirit.”
From Broken to Beautiful
| September 1, 2022Pain. We are familiar with that word. Most of us have experienced it at one time or another. There are many kinds of pain – physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional.
In Those Days
| September 1, 2022At church, we read together and learned about: in those days, in our days, in the last days.
One Way to Heaven
| September 1, 2022The Bible teaches that a person is either lost or saved (born again, if you prefer).
A Joy Inside
| September 1, 2022A joy for no real reason, at least none of which I know. It started as a seed of warmth and then began to grow. It began way deep inside my soul and worked it's way on out;
I'll enjoy this peace within and I don't care what it's about.
Does a Christian have to Tithe?
| July 1, 2022I read an article about a ball player who was being applauded for declaring that he would tithe. He had signed a five year contract for 125 million dollars. He said that he would give 12.5 million dollars over 5 years.
Hope for a Heart of Stone
| July 1, 2022When Jesus died on the cross, He nullified the Old Testament laws and the veil that separated the Holy Place from the Temple was torn from the top to the bottom, opening the way for whoever wanted to come to the Father.
Getting to the Heart of the Matter
| July 1, 2022Conformity of dress is a subject that has been on my heart. I used to think that dressing a certain way would bring me closer to God or help me to find favor with Him, because thats what I had been taught and what was enforced.
My Children's Children and Beyond
| July 1, 2022Lift your head my sister … Lift your head and eyes above all your worries, frustrations, and failures. Are you able to envision the next generation of children in your mind? Now, look further.
I Pray the Lord will Awaken You, By JP
| July 1, 2022To Whom it may concern: The piece Born again and Amish is not scriptural. The Bible says, Avoid all appearance of evil; Flee from it; That includes this paper and the TV.
Have you Been Baptized?
| July 1, 2022In the New Testament, the word baptism is found 23 times. The words baptize and baptized are found 74 times. Together, these numbers total 97 times. The following charts show which books of the Bible that baptism, baptize, and baptized are found...
Baptism, Vows, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ
| May 11, 2022I have felt for some time now that someone ought to address a misleading idea held by many of the most traditional Amish and Mennonites, and various other sections of the so-called Plain People. It is the idea that Christian baptism involves vows, mu
I Enjoy your Newsletter, By IN
| May 1, 2022Dear Amish Voice, greetings of love in our Saviorsname, Jesus Christ. Amen! Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and might, be unto our God forever and ever. Amen (Revelation 7:12).
Your Beyond Blessed Wife
| May 1, 2022As your workday ends and I see 5:00 come closer on the clock, I know you will soon be home. You will provide me with a break and baby assistance until bedtime.
Innocence and "The Talk"
| May 1, 2022I just want to keep my children innocent as long as possible, she said. We all do. What kind of parent doesn’t want to protect their children? But judging by the number of sexually abused children in our circles, I wonder if we really know how.
A God-Given Understanding
| May 1, 2022Have you ever noticed that some people understand Scripture differently than you do? You can discuss Scripture and think that you agree, but the next time that you talk about the same issue, it is like water rolling off a ducks back...
A Few Things I Disagree With, By RM
| May 1, 2022The idea that an Old Order Amish Church Ordnung is just a set of man-made rules might be true if we choose to think so, but it can also be viewed as being Biblical principles applied to everyday life that we submit to God and his Bride, which is the church.
From the Peace Barn: Amish or Ahamish?
| May 1, 2022After the publication of my article in Januarys Amish Voice (From the Peace Barn: Amish and Born Again), I received phone calls from readers in North Carolina, Indiana, Virginia and Wyoming. I enjoyed every conversation.
| May 1, 2022Cain was very angry with his brother, Abel. At some point, his anger turned into hate, which led Cain to murder his own brother.
An Attitude of Gratitude
| March 1, 2022This should describe every believer that names the name of Christ: "In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (1 Thess. 5:18)