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Twist, Turn, and Leave things out of Scripture, By AM
| November 1, 2020It irritates me greatly to see how people twist & turn & leave some things out of scripture so they don’t have to feel guilty.
The Root Cause of Anxiety
| September 1, 2020We humans, men and women, have this inner desire to say how things should be done – what OUR minds interpret as the best way. When things aren't going that way, we get frustrated, or anxious, or angry, depending on how passionate we are about being in control. So the "DESIRE TO CONTROL" is the culprit!
Do You Feel Safe?
| September 1, 2020I’ve been a Christian for over 43 years now. I feel that I’ve learned some things in those years. One thing I recognize in myself is my need to feel safe. I know that it’s not entirely possible to feel safe 100% of the time. Circumstances sometimes dictate otherwise.
Bitterness of Soul
| September 1, 2020Bitterness and offense, sadly, are words I am well acquainted with. When I hear these words, I have a certain feeling in my belly and memories of a time I am so grateful to have moved beyond.
Too Many Scriptures, By DS
| September 1, 2020 I do not like your papers. I don’t think it’s a good idea to have so many scriptures and every day happenings or a timely paper. God’s Word is sharper than a two-edged sword and it is not child’s play. I do not like your attitude of, “I know I’m saved,” or, “I know you are reborn.”
Read Cover to Cover, By EO
| September 1, 2020 I don’t know who might have submitted my name and address, but I am thankful that I had the opportunity to read The Amish Voice. I seldom read anything cover to cover, but this was an exception. It is very well written and theologically sound.
Letter to the Sexually Abused
| September 1, 2020It may be that no one else knows about what happened to you. I am so sorry that you have had to go through this alone. You are not a coward at all for not saying anything to anyone. I can absolutely understand why you may be afraid to speak up.
| September 1, 2020This poem is dedicated to all the little girls and boys who can relate first-hand to the inner turmoil and conflicting emotions that abuse brings. May God heal you and give you a purpose for your pain.
Biblical Leadership
| September 1, 2020The Radical Reformation began with men who boldly stood up for what they knew was Biblical truth. They were willing to speak fearlessly and even to die for what they believed. Somewhere through the generations since then, however, we have changed to become a people imprisoned by fear. We became the “quiet in the land” so that we would no longer need to fear losing our lives or our families. We began standing for values that were also motivated by fear.
The Woman, A Helper
| July 1, 2020The man was created perfectly in God’s image. And it was good, but when God observed His perfect creation this time, He did not say it was very good. He saw something was missing. Something was not complete. That “something” was a mate. God said it wasn’t good for the man to be alone.
Obey the Higher Powers...Today?
| July 1, 2020What is the right thing for a Christian to do when the government asks us to do things that we would rather not do? In the last few months, we have seen our rights being taken away like never before in history. So many things don’t pass the smell test.
Remain Separate from the World, by ARH
| July 1, 2020The Amish Voice seems to have a fairly modern teaching and views. I also am concerned that you would promote voting to such a level, if the scriptures teach us to remain separate from the world. -ARH
The Power of the Tongue
| July 1, 2020Far too many people, who don’t realize the power of their own words, are talking themselves to death. They speak forth whatever negative thing they feel or have been told, and don’t realize that they are signing their own death warrants.
10 Myths about Sexual Abuse in Anabaptist Communities
| July 1, 2020If we are going to stand up and fight for our children, we are going to have to ditch some misconceptions about sexual abuse that are widely believed in our culture.
A Second Chance Love Story
| July 1, 2020For those of you who like love stories and second chances, you will want to read this incredible love story. It is the greatest love story ever told!
What Does It Really Mean to be Born Again? (Part 1)
| May 1, 2020One of the most tragic statements I’ve ever heard was spoken from the mouth of a woman who had encountered some people whom she considered odd, folks who had identified themselves as “born-again Christians.” She rolled her eyeballs as she mocked them, saying to some family members, “Watch out for those ‘born-again’ Christians! They’re out to convert you!”
God has a Gift for You!
| May 1, 2020Eternal life is free! It is a gift from God! You cannot buy it! You cannot earn it! It never stops giving! It has no end! It is forever!
The Coronavirus and Faith
| May 1, 2020As I'm writing this, we are experiencing world-wide panic regarding the Coronavirus. Some think it is blown way out of proportion (and it may be), while others are panicking and stocking up on aspirin, food, and enough household goods to last for several months.
| May 1, 2020It was one of those days. Everything was going wrong, I thought. The children were both sick and fussy, the work was piling up, and I wasn’t feeling the best myself.
Your View of Voting is not Good, by S.L.
| May 1, 2020I do agree with some of your articles, like the one on homosexuality, but your view of voting for our country is not good. If you say that you are being a good citizen by voting, will you feel the same way when asked to help our government in other areas?
What Does it Really Mean to be Born Again? (Part 1)
| May 1, 2020People who are born again are radically different than they were before they were born again. From the moment of their spiritual rebirth, they immediately see themselves and others differently.
Unlimited Slices of Pie
| March 1, 2020I was recently thinking over an event that happened to me. As I was hurting, praying, and trying to process it all, I went to my prayer closet and began reading the book Uninvited. I also began to pray and journal about my thoughts and feelings.
The Question That Changed My Life
| March 1, 2020I remember it like yesterday. It was the day that I “spilled the beans.” There I sat in the gazebo. It was late afternoon. The warm sunshine brightened the landscape around me. The birds were singing cheerfully. But I didn’t notice.
Conversations with Jehovah’s Witnesses, by J.D.M.
| March 1, 2020I enjoyed your article, a while ago called “What Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Actually Believe?” We have delighted to invite Jehovah’s Witnesses in for Bible study and discussions.
Belief of our Fathers: The End Times (Chapter 9)
| March 1, 2020This concludes a study on the beliefs of our forefathers, based largely on the 1632 Dordrecht Confession of Faith. This section tells about Eschatology, or the study of the end times.
Does God Care if I Vote?
| March 1, 2020As you know from previous issues of the Amish Voice, we believe it is our duty to get involved in the voting process of our government officials.
Joy in Temptation
| March 1, 2020“Blessed is the man that endureth temptation, for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to them that love him” (James 1:12). These powerful verses may shake our thinking a bit!
This Message Really Touched My Heart, By: D.S.
| January 1, 2020I certainly appreciated this message. It really touched my heart. Thanks for making this available. May God bless you.
Belief of our Fathers: Sin and Salvation (Chapter 8)
| January 1, 2020This continues a study on the beliefs of our forefathers, based largely on the 1632 Dordrecht Confession of Faith. This section tells about Soteriology, or the study of Sin and Salvation. This has been edited for space
I Read My Parents' Amish Voice, By: N.D.
| January 1, 2020 I would like for you to send me the Amish Voice every month. I read my parents’ Amish Voice and I believe it got me closer to God and helps me to better understand the Bible.