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The Love of God
| May 1, 2017We can feel it in a soft breeze.
We can see it in colored leaves.
We can receive it through a friend.
It will be with us in the end:
It’s the love of God.
Emotional Wounds
| May 1, 2017Emotional wounds are just as painful and real as physical wounds. Both wounds require time to heal. Neither one can be hidden or ignored. If I'm dealing with a physical wound on my hand, I fear that people will try to shake my hurting hand; so I pull back, stay away from crowds and hide in the shadows. If I'm dealing with an emotional wound in my heart, I will fear that someone will come too close, rub against my pain and hurt me all over again. For that reason, I'll build a wall around my emotional wound and live in a prison cell without bars. I feed my wound through all kinds of addictions; I’ll protect those same wounds by losing my temper and staying in control of everyone's life around me.
Two Men: One Religious, One Humble
| May 1, 2017During one of Jesus’ sermons here on earth, He began to tell a parable. In His story, He was specifically targeting a group of people who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others (Luke 18:9).
His parable began by introducing two men who entered the temple to pray. Both of these men seemed to be good. The prayers of the two men, however, were very different.
I Just Want to Thank You
| May 1, 2017Thank you Jesus for forgiving me. Thank you for your redemptive work on Calvary Cross. Thank you for loving me when I couldn’t love myself. Thank you for defeating me in my rebellion, conquering me in my sin, winning my heart, and capturing my mind. Thank you for being my hope, and my best friend. Thank you for welcoming me into your presence, working on me, reshaping me, molding me. Thank you for providing for my family, shielding and guiding me and all your people.
Bloom Where You Were Planted, By Ohio
| April 25, 2017Dear Amish Voice, we cannot agree with all your writings. The Christian life is not just an easy downhill ride. Consider 1 Peter 4:18. Also 2 Corinthians 11:13-15. I am not saying only Amish will be saved, but this is where we (and some of you) were planted. Read 1 John 2:15 and 19 and Proverbs 22:28. I do not have all the answers, but want to try to bloom where I was planted by the grace of God.
A Partial Gospel, By Indiana
| April 25, 2017Dear Amish Voice,
It was with interest (and disgust) that I read Moses Schrock’s article on forgiveness in the January Amish Voice. A partial gospel is a lie. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me (John 14:6). Anything apart from the truth is also apart from Jesus.
As we read through the gospel, we notice Jesus did not spend much time or words with theology, but rather he called us to a life! Separated from the world, consecrated unto God our Father.
What Are You Trying to Prove, by Minnesota
| April 25, 2017To the Amish Voice,
Greetings in the Precious Name of our Lord Jesus, the Christ, the only Name given by which man must be saved (Acts 4:12).
As I read your paper, to me it seems it could be misleading. I’m not sure what you are all trying to prove. Now, the scriptures you quote are right, but let’s be careful and not neglect some [others]. I like to think of Eph. 2 as the grace chapter, but take a good look at verse 10, James 2:14-20.
Salvation Crystal Clear, By Pennsylvania
| April 25, 2017I’m a sixty-six year old Amish man; we have ten children and forty some grandchildren. I really appreciated your story titled “Salvation Crystal Clear.”
The Amish Voice just came the other day, and I was just so blessed by the article. I can say that 100% agreed with it. You know, it used to be that I didn’t believe that way. Like I said, I’m an Amish man, and I’m okay in the church right now, but that about faith and works has been so distorted over the years.
— Pennsylvania
Be Not Conformed to this World
| March 14, 2017Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God (Romans 12:2). Growing up Amish, I heard the first part of this verse preached a lot, but invariably the teaching would stop at the end of the sixth word. There is no period there, but a colon. Now, I am not an expert in sentence structure or grammar, but I do know there is a big difference between a period and a colon. The period means end of subject. A colon links what was just stated with what is coming. What comes after the colon is usually important.
Healing and Trusting
| March 1, 2017I have a question for you today. If you had the choice between hearing the truth that could save your life and change your world, or hearing what feels good even though the implications could destroy you or kill you, which would you choose?
It sounds really simple, when you think of it that way, but what many people do not realize is that every day they persecute people who are trying to save them. Every day they reject people who are trying to give them truth that will change their lives forever for the better, trying to show them true love. This love doesn't always feel like love. Sometimes real truth hurts, but in the long run, we ought to be grateful for it.
I Am an Amish Man
| March 1, 2017I am an Amish man; we have much history,
In Switzerland, France, Holland and Germany,
Religious freedoms were denied in those nations,
So some fled to America to escape the situation.
A Willing Servant
| March 1, 2017Thank you, Jesus, for forgiving me. Thank you for your redemptive work on Calvary’s cross. Thank you for loving me when I couldn’t love myself. Thank you for defeating me in my rebellion, conquering me in my sin, winning my heart, and capturing my mind. Thank you for being my hope and my best friend. Thank you for welcoming me into your presence, working on me, reshaping me, and molding me. Thank you for providing for my family, shielding and guiding me and all your people.
The 6,000 Year Old Race
| March 1, 2017This morning, the Lord has been speaking to my heart.
Joe, all those who have been born of the Spirit are in a race, a race that began 6,000 years ago in the Garden of Eden.
In this race, your top goal is to pass the Message of Faith on to the next generation. Do not get distracted by the world and all of its temporary possessions. Do not get distracted by the runners next to you. Keep your eyes on the goal!
What is your Life?
| March 1, 2017Through His Spirit, God wrote: For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away (James 4:14).
When I was young, I thought fifty years of age was old – very old; I thought it would take a long time to get there. But as I write, I must tell you, I am just seven days away from turning fifty. It all happened so quickly!
Don't Strike
| March 1, 2017There is a story told of a philosopher who was walking along a road one day when he saw a young man vainly trying to get a calf through a gate.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, gentleness, inspirational, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments
Baptism: Sprinkling, Pouring, Or Immersion?
| February 13, 2017Without a doubt, baptism is a very important requirement for the one who becomes a believer. Yet, it is also one of the most misunderstood topics in the Bible. What did Jesus mean when He said to "baptize"? Some churches sprinkle, some pour water on a person's head, and some only baptize by immersion or putting one completely under water.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, baptism, bible discussion, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments
My Vows to the Amish Church: Are They Binding?
| February 8, 2017As a young Amish boy, I was taught that when I reached a certain age, I would be expected to join the church. In doing so, I would be declaring Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and also my personal vows to our church. And like most other young people my age, I did this without a full knowledge of how salvation works.
As I got older, I realized that what I’d been taught did not satisfy my spiritual need for knowing exactly what salvation is. And in time, a very strong sense of not belonging, finally led me to leave the Amish.
But what about those vows I made to the church?
My Story (Part 4)
| January 1, 2017Perhaps you are in the same condition that I was. Perhaps you, too, would like to be born again and have tried to persuade God to save you, but He seems to remain distant. Perhaps your conscience is pressing down on you with guilt. Maybe you are stuck like I was, and you feel that you have tried very hard to please God, but He doesn’t seem to care. You have tried your institution’s prescribed way of reaching God, but somehow you fell through the cracks, and the formula didn’t work for you as it seems to have worked for others. Maybe you are terrified at the thought of meeting God, as I was. And maybe, just maybe, you hate the sin that you are living in, like I did, but you keep going back to it. Maybe you, too, fall asleep on a tear-soaked pillow, praying that you will not die, because it is the only prayer you dare pray.
Are you Afraid?
| January 1, 2017What are you afraid of? It seems like everyone has a fear of something. You could be afraid of the dark, or maybe you have a fear of snakes or spiders. Maybe it’s a fear of the future, of the unknown, or the fear of being alone. Most, if not all of us, probably have at least one of these fears. Fear can be a good thing, warning us of danger. For example, let’s say we are on the way to church on a Sunday morning, and suddenly we see a horse galloping down the road toward us. The horse is not pulling a buggy, and no one is in control of the horse. It is apparent that this a runaway horse. So, how do we respond?
What Does it Take for God to Forgive You?
| January 1, 2017Suppose you saw Jesus sitting down and talking with someone. Curious, you sneak up and eavesdrop, and you are surprised to hear them talking about you!
If this would happen, what do you think Jesus would be saying about you? Would He be praising you for your good works and faithfulness? Would He be speaking of your need to repent and turn from sin or from dead works?
No More Wasted Years
| January 1, 2017Just a simple line spoken over me, but such grace and wonder it held. "The things of the past, the pain, the mistakes, are not a waste. God will use those things in a wonderful way."
I always knew God was able to use everything in our lives for good, even the bad things, but I still had a mindset that suggested that some seasons of my life were simply wasted, thrown away, and irretrievable. I found myself unable to move forward as I wanted to because I wanted a do-over. God doesn't give us do-overs, my friends. He gives us something better! He gives us second chances, yes, but He gives us something much better than that. He has the ability to make something totally wonderful, beautiful and new from our mistakes and from our sin! The only thing we need to do is to confess it, repent, and give it to Him!
A Journal of the Heart
| November 1, 2016A heart that is heavy. Do those who carry such hearts know what brought such sorrow? When they wake up they’re filled with loneliness and grief. At times their sadness leaves. They laugh with friends; they share their troubles. Friends call them kindred spirits, but in the quietness of their home, when no one is around but God Himself, the grief is keenly felt.
Praying Women
| November 1, 2016There are very few things as powerful as praying women. The tenacity of a woman praying for those she loves is a force to be reckoned with! Today I would like to address something that can hinder this force.
Do you ever feel like you are praying and praying to no avail? One of the most powerful forces in making sure your prayers bring change is to make sure your heart is properly aligned with the Lord. I'll give you an example. For years I have prayed that my husband's priorities would be lined up with God’s, that he can keep God first, me second, the children third, etc. But for years this has been an area where the enemy keeps attacking our family in one way or another, bringing much frustration and hurt.
My Story (Part 3)
| November 1, 2016One day, I was listening to a man preach from the book of Hebrews. I was at the point where I was desperate to know the truth. I had worn myself out trying to please God, and I still didn’t have peace. I listened to the words being preached, and I was ready to let the Bible say what it wanted to say to me. I was done with trying to figure out what I needed to do; I was ready to just listen. I had tried all that I knew, and all that I had to show for it was a history of failing and a bleak and miserable future of unending efforts that would only serve to ease my conscience while I waited in vain for the miracle of salvation.
Do Not Harden Your Heart
| November 1, 2016Paul starts Hebrews 3:7 by writing, Wherefore as the Holy Spirit says... and then quotes Psalm 95:7-11. By quoting Old Testament scriptures to these New Testament Christians, Paul is making it quite clear that the Holy Spirit still speaks to us today from the Old Testament. In fact, in I Cor. 10:1-11 he tells us the things that happened to the children of Israel while they journeyed in the wilderness were written for our admonition so we could be warned and learn from the mistakes they made. The danger of hardening our hearts is as great today as it was for the children of Israel in the desert. We need to heed the solemn warnings in the Old Testament against sin and hardening of our hearts, as well as those in the New Testament. All were given to us by the Holy Spirit, and these warnings are as applicable to us today as they were to Israel at that time.
What is This Thing Called Repentance?
| November 1, 2016Matthew 3:1-3: In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judea, and saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Esaias, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.
Thru the Eyes of Little Tobias, the Amish Kid... (A True Story)
| September 19, 2016Little Tobias tried his best to be a good little boy, to sit up straight, and listen to the sermon. but it was all to no avail. Eventually, mother nature would take over, and little Tobias would put his arms on his knees, his chin in his hands, and doze off. It was not humanly possible to stay awake.
What Separates Christianity From All Other Religions?
| September 1, 2016Let’s start with some questions, before we dig into What Separates Christianity From All Other Religions.
First question. If I sat across the table from you, and asked, do you—with great confidence—know what you believe about Christianity? What would you use to back up your answers?
How do your beliefs differ from 4,200 other religions in the world?
How do you know you have the right belief(s)?
Would you change your beliefs, if you knew they were wrong?
Grace Alone No More
| September 1, 2016We recently received a letter in the mail from a lady named Grace. Grace shared her testimony and a little bit of her troubled past with us. She gave us permission to share them with you. She would like us all to pray for her. Please take a moment to read her story below:
A while back, I was seeking help from a counselor. I was miserable on the inside and I poured out my heart to him. At one point, I was in so much pain that I fell to the floor and began pulling at my hair; I somehow received relief from the pressure on my head.
My Amish Lifestyle and Salvation
| September 1, 2016Dear Amish Voice: God has revealed to us that our lifestyle has no merits for salvation. Galatians 3:2-3 says, This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?
Galatians 4:9 states, But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage?