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Who Is God?
| March 1, 2011We claim God as perfect. It is essential that we know and teach that God is unequaled in love and power. That is why he wants us to trust in him for everything in our lives! If we really do trust him, then we love him. If we really do love him, then we trust him. If we worry, it is a sign we don't quite trust God.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, bible discussion, god, levi schwartz, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments
Kidneys: The Body's Filter
| March 1, 2011How often do you think about your kidneys? Do you know where they are or what they do? Most people think of kidney stones when they think about the kidneys. We will talk more about that later.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, christian living, map ministry, mission to amish people, robert mccallum | 0 comments

Is Jesus Really God?
| January 1, 2011In these days the question arises more frequently than ever before. Recently when the "World's Squarest Teenagers' was shown on British TV, their visit to a mosque had the statement from a Mosque leader to the Amish teenagers that they didn't believe Jesus was the son of God, but a prophet.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, christian living, eli stutzman, god, jesus, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments

Excommunication and Shunning Members of the Church (Part 1 of 3)
| January 1, 2011Excommunication and shunning, as most of us know, was one of the main reasons why Jacob Amman split away from the Mennonites in late 1600's. In fact, let's visit parts of that history before we get into our main study today.
Keywords: amish, amish life, amish voice, excommunication, hans reist, jacob amman, joe keim, map ministry, mennonite, mission to amish people, shunning | 0 comments

Who Cast Jonah Into The Sea?
| January 1, 2011You often hear Christians talk about how Jonah was cast into the sea by the men who ran the ship. And, that of course is backed up with the following Scripture in Jonah 1:15.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, christian living, egypt, god, joe keim, jonah, joseph, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments

The Keys Of The Kingdom
| January 1, 2011This scripture verse is one of the most misunderstood but important verses in the Bible. Jesus was giving his disciples keys. The keys of the kingdom of heaven lock or unlock the mysteries of this realm to us.
A Good Attitude Will Change Your Life!!
| January 1, 2011John is the kind of guy that is always in a good mood and always has something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, 'If I were any better, I would be twins! If a friend was having a bad day, John was there telling the friend how to look on the positive side of the situation.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, attitude, christian living, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments
Cherokee Legend
| January 1, 2011Do you know the legend of the Cherokee Indian youth's rite of Passage?
Keywords: amish, amish voice, faith, inspriational, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments
Our Eyes: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
| January 1, 2011Do you realize that without our eyes you would not be reading this now? Without our eyes you would be unable to see any of God's creation. Psalms 19:1 says: The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth His handiwork. God shows Himself to us, in part, by what we see.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, christian living, map ministry, mission to amish people, robert mccallum | 0 comments

| January 1, 2011The Place for all the Saints; A place of ultimate beauty; Where not one shall over faint; Free from trials and of duty
Keywords: amish, amish voice, cindy miller, heaven, map ministry, mission to amish people, poetry | 0 comments

How The Anabaptists Kept Their Focus (Faith)
| November 1, 2010 Can you imagine a group of 53 men and women put into one dungeon with no outside contact whatsoever, except for a narrow slit in the door that was opened twice a day as food was slid in on a tray. Think for a moment...53 men and women... getting along?.... or do you think they had several different worship groups in there? Maybe several denominations? Did they need to argue their view on a certain doctrine? How did they maintain their sanity... their faith...their love for the Lord as well as their love for one another?
Keywords: amish, amish life, amish voice, ernie yoder, faith, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments
Three Types of People Who Call Themselves Christians
| November 1, 2010The Lord revealed three different scenes to me. Each of the three scenes had a car traveling down a road that had 55 mph speed limit signs posted periodically, as many of our roads do.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, christian living, geneva yoder, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments

Jesus The Christ: Born In A Manger
| November 1, 2010The story that I am about to share with you only happened once in the history of mankind. And when it happened, it was so special and so precious that for the past 2,000 years, mankind has not been able to stop talking about it. The story that we are going to read in a minute is one that has been preached millions upon millions of times all over the world. Tens of thousands of books have been written about it and for many generations, fathers, mothers, boys and girls have passed this priceless story on to the next generation. It is the story that never grows old and will continue to be spoken of throughout all eternity.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, bible discussion, christmas, jesus, joe keim, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments

Liberty And Freedom In Christ
| November 1, 2010I have to admit to you that I have changed my way of praying before writing-instead of saying, "God, what do they need to hear?", I ask, "God, what do I need to learn?"
Keywords: amish, amish voice, christian living, freedom, joy knepp, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments

Hitting The Nail On The Head Or Smashing The Thumb?
| November 1, 2010I have three good friends who left the Amish several years ago. All are brothers. Just recently, I found out that one of them was killed in a tragic accident. I was very saddened, because I didn't know if he had received eternal life or not. That's not for me to judge, but I was even more saddened when I heard how his parents handled the situation.
Fearfully And Wonderfully Made
| November 1, 2010Psalm 139:14 says, "I praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." This verse talks about our bodies and how perfectly they are created. It tells us how wonderfully our physical bodies are made. This idea of "fearfully" means that we have respect for what God has made. God has made something (our bodies) that show just how smart and powerful God is. The word "wonderfully" agrees that what God has created is good.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, christian living, map ministry, mission to amish people, robert mccallum | 0 comments
Handling Sin And Wrongdoing With Each Other
| November 1, 2010This is a subject that covers much of what God talks about in His Word as well as what the believers deal with every day in their lives. Conflicts among believers are not a new difficulty. Take a moment and think about your life. Have you ever had disagreements with family, friends, and other people in the church or community? Have you been offended or have you offended someone by what has been said or done?
Keywords: amish, amish voice, christian living, conflict, map ministry, mission to amish people, robert mccallum | 0 comments

The Most Important Thing
| September 1, 2010Over the years, we have seen many instances of people vying over who is right or who is wrong. Now of course we all want to be right and win the argument. To prove our ‘rightness' we can quote the people of old, wise people of today and scripture to no end.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, christian living, disagreements, eli stutzman, love, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments

Finish The Course
| September 1, 2010Tonight, we were informed that an Amish man in his late thirty's is lying in a bed, struggling for just a little more time on this side of eternity. This family man has been stricken with cancer that cannot be stopped without God's intervention.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, christian living, joe keim, map ministry, mission to amish people, sorrow | 0 comments

Let The World Die And Spend Eternity In Hell?
| September 1, 2010Mark chapter 16 is quite possibly one the most exciting chapters in the entire Bible; it is in the 6th verse of this chapter that we are told that...Jesus Is Risen! Do you realize that those three words, in Mark 16:6, set Christianity apart from ALL other religions in the world? Let me explain.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, christian living, evangelism, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments

Does God Exist?
| September 1, 2010If someone asks you to prove that God exists, What do you tell them?
Keywords: amish, amish voice, christian living, god, joe keim, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments

God's Armor--Are You Wearing It?
| September 1, 2010Well, I guess by the time you read this, the school bells will be ringing again! I sure don't know where the summer has gone! But I'm trying to remember that I can ruin today by being sad that yesterday is gone.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, christian living, joy knepp, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments
Is God Male Or Female?
| September 1, 2010As we open God's Word we find two truths that help to answer this question. The first is that God is a Spirit (John 4:24). Secondly, God is always referred to in the male form. One example is found in Luke 2:49 where Jesus speaks of God as his "Father".
Keywords: amish, amish voice, bible discussion, god, map ministry, mission to amish people, robert mccallum | 0 comments

What If...
| August 18, 2010What if there really is a group of people out there that have a connection with God that transcends the daily grind of life and transports them into a place of intimacy? What if they believe God gives them a touch of His hand on their heart and wraps them into His arms when they feel lonely and afraid? What if ...

Hearing And Seeing But Not Hearing Or Seeing
| July 1, 2010During a recent conversation with a person seeking to be baptized, I sensed the lack of assurance of her salvation. She was struggling with God's forgiveness and deliverance. So I asked her, do you remember the story of the one thief on the cross when he looked over and said, "Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom" and Jesus responded, by saying, "verily I say unto thee, today shalt thou be with me in paradise?"
Keywords: amish, amish voice, assurance, christian living, eli stutzman, map ministry, mission to amish people, salvation | 0 comments

Little Star
| July 1, 2010The following poem was written by Esther Keim, when during her 3rd pregnancy, she lost our little Star.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, esther keim, little star, map ministry, mission to amish people, poetry | 2 comments

An Unbalanced Life
| July 1, 2010It seems hard to believe, but we are already half way through the year. For many of us, it is the busiest time of all. And when we get busy, we have a tendency to work from daylight to darkness-six days a week.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, christian living, joe keim, map ministry, mission to amish people, prayer | 0 comments
The Right Hand Of Fellowship
| July 1, 2010Intro: Over the years, I have had some great opportunities to sit next to men of God, who, without a doubt, have the gift of teaching God's Word. You'll know who these men are very quickly, because they are able to take God's Word and lay it out so simply that even the most difficult to understand verses seem so simple and easy to grasp. The man who wrote this article, "The Right Hand of Fellowship" for the Amish Voice, is one of those men; his name is Levi Yoder. In order to fully grasp this power and precious study, may I encourage you to read the whole chapter of Galatians 2? And then, please enjoy the message. It is God's gift to you today. -Joe Keim
Old Barns And Old People
| July 1, 2010A stranger came by the other day with an offer that set me to thinking. He wanted to buy the old barn that sits out by the highway. I told him right off, he was crazy.