Sanctified in Truth
By Ben Girod
January 1, 2020
In His high-priestly prayer (John 17), Jesus was mindful of His followers—knowing that after His departure they would be exposed and vulnerable without His leadership. He foresaw the tests and trials that would encounter them. At the beginning of His ministry He had chosen them—a motley crew mostly from the shores of Galilee. Now they were about to be sent forth on their own, eventually taking the gospel to the far ends of the earth, even at the cost of their lives.
In preparation for this monumental mission, Jesus was moved to pray for them even as His own life hung in the balance. He thoroughly understood what the cost will be to bring the gospel to the nations in its unadulterated form. But He also knew, this weathered group of fishermen from the harsh elements of Galilee possessed an endurance not found among the cushioned ranks of the leadership in Jerusalem.
In preparation of their mission Jesus asked the Father to sanctify them in truth. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world. And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth (John 17:16–19).
This level of truth is not what we commonly refer to as being truthful, But a discovery of spiritual revelations that can only be found in the bosom of the Father as we submit our lives without reservations to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
The truth referred to here by Jesus breaks us down to the level that God measures us with. Every other tower we have built within our hearts crumbles to the earth, shattered by the piercing revelations of the Holy Spirit. It is here where TRUTH in its unadulterated form is found, and is why Jesus prayed for His followers to discover this mystery. Unlimited power is granted to those who find it, for they are also surrounded by a hedge of Angels and selflessness. Again, it is the discovery of this truth (the pearl of great price) that sanctifies us. God is eternal, without beginning or without end, consequently truth continues to expand, there is no end to His truth.
Christ deemed this prayer so important, that, even though He Himself was the truth, He nevertheless sanctified Himself for them, (and us), without which the world will never believe in Him. (See John 17:20–26).
Today, you and I have perhaps met the most turbulent times in the history of mankind—many people are praying which is essential—even so, our prayers are minimized without allowing themselves to be sanctified in truth—allowing the truth to purify us from all unrighteous ways and lifestyles. And finally, in what it cost the apostles at the beginning, it will cost us in the end.
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