Items Tagged with "Joy Knepp"
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Marriages, Mistakes, and Miracles
I remember on our wedding day the future looked so bright and wonderful but all too soon Jay said or did things that didn't quite measure up to my idea of how a husband should be and right there was my #1 mistake- EXPECTATIONS - OUCH! Never, never, have them because a human husband can hardly ever l Read More...
Author: Joy Knepp
Tags: mission to amish people, marriage and family, map ministry, joy knepp, amish voice, amish,
Tags: mission to amish people, marriage and family, map ministry, joy knepp, amish voice, amish,

The Power Of A Helpmeet
Hiya, all you Ladies,Isn't it wonderful that God has assigned such a big job to us; to be ''AN HELPMEET''? I don't know 'bout you, but I feel pretty important when I think about that!! I wonder what the word ''helpmeet'' includes. (All of a sudden I'm feeling kinda small!)I want to share with you la Read More...
Author: Joy Knepp
Tags: mission to amish people, marriage and family, map ministry, joy knepp, helpmeet, christian living, amish voice, amish,
Tags: mission to amish people, marriage and family, map ministry, joy knepp, helpmeet, christian living, amish voice, amish,

God's Lovely Gift Of Marriage
Greetings, sisters in Christ!My heart feels heavy to think that some of you may be experiencing difficulties in your marriages. It's only when we've traveled the valley ourselves that we can understand and sympathize with another. Sometimes we think ''there are no answers to MY problems''! But that Read More...
Author: Joy Knepp
Tags: mission to amish people, marriage and family, map ministry, joy knepp, christian living, amish voice, amish,
Tags: mission to amish people, marriage and family, map ministry, joy knepp, christian living, amish voice, amish,

Real Or Selfish Love: Which Is It?
New Year Greetings!I hope you all had a blessed Christmas, surrounded with your loved ones, celebrating the birthday of Jesus! In pondering on Jesus' birth, His Life on earth, His death, and then His glorious Resurrection, I have to wonder, how much do we understand about love? Yes, I know we claim Read More...
Author: Joy Knepp
Tags: mission to amish people, marriage and family, map ministry, love, joy knepp, amish voice, amish,
Tags: mission to amish people, marriage and family, map ministry, love, joy knepp, amish voice, amish,

The Two Shall Be One Flesh
Howdy there, friends!Spring's almost here! It's so easy to be joyful in the spring, I think.Well, this time I'm going to be talking about a subject that is one of my weakest areas in my marriage: the fact that husband & wife are ONE. What does that actually mean?Go with me to Genesis 2:24: There Read More...
Author: Joy Knepp
Tags: one flesh, mission to amish people, marriage and family, map ministry, joy knepp, christian living, amish voice, amish,
Tags: one flesh, mission to amish people, marriage and family, map ministry, joy knepp, christian living, amish voice, amish,

What Every Husband Wants His Wife To Know
Happy Spring, Ladies!Let everything that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD. (Psalm 150:6) Wow! I have breath, do all of you others? So maybe we should burst out in song right now! In fact the whole chapter of Psalm 150 is about praising God with everything that makes noise and everythi Read More...
Author: Joy Knepp
Tags: mission to amish people, marriage and family, map ministry, joy knepp, amish voice, amish,
Tags: mission to amish people, marriage and family, map ministry, joy knepp, amish voice, amish,

God's Armor--Are You Wearing It?
Hey, Ladies, Well, I guess by the time you read this, the school bells will be ringing again! I sure don't know where the summer has gone! But I'm trying to remember that I can ruin today by being sad that yesterday is gone. So, we have to count every day as the blessing it is and enjoy it to the Read More...
Author: Joy Knepp
Tags: mission to amish people, map ministry, joy knepp, christian living, amish voice, amish,
Tags: mission to amish people, map ministry, joy knepp, christian living, amish voice, amish,

Liberty And Freedom In Christ
Hi there, ladies, I have to admit to you that I have changed my way of praying before writing-instead of saying, "God, what do they need to hear?", I ask, "God, what do I need to learn?" When I think of laying on the floor, all tied up with heavy chains and balls, unable to move at all, what does Read More...
Author: Joy Knepp
Tags: mission to amish people, map ministry, joy knepp, freedom, christian living, amish voice, amish,
Tags: mission to amish people, map ministry, joy knepp, freedom, christian living, amish voice, amish,

A Safe Place To Cry And Laugh
Dear reader, you are going to be blessed reading Joy's article. It is written from the heart and I have no doubt that, like me, you will be able to relate and soak in every word. I remember so well when I started dating my wife, Esther. I thought to myself, we will never get into an argument. As far Read More...
Author: Joy Knepp
Tags: mission to amish people, marriage and family, map ministry, joy knepp, amish voice, amish,
Tags: mission to amish people, marriage and family, map ministry, joy knepp, amish voice, amish,