Amish Life
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Amish and Forgiveness
| July 26, 2016One of the tragic events of recent Amish history is the school shooting at West Nickel Mines School in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. A man well known to the community took ten girls hostage; he shot eight of them and killed five before taking his own life.
Wikipedia says “The emphasis on forgiveness and reconciliation in the response of the Amish community was widely discussed in the national media.” And I would like to add it was not just national attention but worldwide attention. The complete forgiveness offered to the family of the shooter is a thing which still draws attention today. The Amish were so willing to do what was right and carried out total forgiveness settling an example for people everywhere of how we should relate to those around us; especially to those who have done us wrong.

My Story (Part 1)
| July 1, 2016 The sound of the steady beat of Betty’s hooves on the pavement mingle with the soft, rumbling din of the family buggy wheels. It’s a sound that is so much a part of who I am that it is like music in the background of my life, constantly reminding me of who I am and what I belong to: I am Amish, not by choice, but by birth. I was born into a family of twelve, and since my parents and grandparents were Amish, fate had already decided that I was destined to be Amish as well – like it or not.
A Testimony of Change
| July 1, 2016I always thought that I was doing well as a member of the Amish church, and that I was on the right road to Heaven. I believed that—even though I spent many hours smoking and drinking with my friends. One of my co-workers once told me that she was praying for me, and I wondered why. I thought that I had things all figured out. I was working hard and making lots of money, getting together with my friends after work, and going to church just to be seen. I did not realize it at the time, but I was trying hard to fill the void in my life and heart.

Trying to be a Christian?
| May 1, 2016Did you ever come to the realization that you didn’t like the direction your life was headed? Maybe you decided that you needed to change for the better, perhaps by getting rid of certain habits in your life or attending church. Whatever the case, you felt the need to straighten out your life. Perhaps recently you have realized you don’t like the way things are in your life, and you want to change. How successful have you been in this endeavor? Has it been frustrating? How does God look at your attempts? How good does God want you to live? Today we will find the answers for a life of true freedom, joy, and peace. So let us get on with it!

The God of the Amish
| January 24, 2016I will write this chapter in reflection of my life and ministry in the Old Order Amish church. This is how I and my peers perceived God to be in our growing up years; what we were taught and what we experienced as we came of age and then as we became leaders in the church and community ourselves.

Letter to the Amish Churches
| July 23, 2015This letter was written in January of 2015, and later sent to area ministers in Northern Indiana; We write to you today concerning an issue in our Amish churches.
Amish Ordinance Letter
| February 21, 2015Parts of the Schwartzentruber Amish Ordinance Letter, Written by David Yoder. He writes: An enormous amount of time could be spend writing out the guidelines for women’s clothing, but the goal is to give you the basics of the Amish Ordinance. If you were to read the actual Ordinance Letter you could very easily take a couple of hours.

Why do Amish Wear Beards
| February 21, 2015Why do the Amish men have to wear long beards? Is it Biblical? Why do they not have mustaches?

Please Turn to the Text
| November 29, 2013The following article shows some of what often happens in the life of Joe Keim. It tells how he and a young Amish man have been communicating by texting over several months, some of the challenges involved, and why Mission to Amish People is so much needed. Some of the names and locations have been changed for privacy reasons. The bold font contains the words of Alvin Martin, the Amish man, while the regular font shows the communication of Joe Keim.
Offensive Love
| July 1, 2013Have we compared Jacob Amman's life to the life of JESUS? From some of the history that I have researched, Jacob left the church he was in because he wanted to shun the ones that left. The elders of that church did not agree with him or believed it to be the right thing to do. That is why there was so much chaos when he started shunning. Jacob was sometimes harsh, stubborn, unreasonable, and self-righteous. For those that are in doubt of what I just shared, please research it yourself. Jesus, however, was kind, compassionate, and loving. Matthew was a hated tax collector, but JESUS accepted him! JESUS ate with the sinners. Yet Jacob Amman believed that it was wrong to eat with the ones that left his group.

Dear Bishop Letter
| January 30, 2013As I understand God's Word, being Amish, driving a buggy, wearing Amish clothes and going without electricity, is not going to save anybody from their sins and give them eternal life. Only faith in Jesus Christ and what He did on the cross for us will save a person from sin and hell.
Keywords: amish bishop, amish church, ban, excommunication, freedom in christ, joe keim, lovina kuhns, salvation, shunning | 11 comments

Born Again - My Journey To Salvation
| January 1, 2013I grew up in an Old Order Amish setting where I still live, and I thought I had a fairly normal life. I am the oldest of eleven children, and I probably got more privileges because of that. Our family got along reasonably well, except for the fact that Dad struggled with controlling his temper. This resulted in much tension in the home. In spite of this, I took pride in the fact that I was able to handle it well. I was seldom irked or upset by anything, but I was never happy either even though it might have appeared like it to people around me because I did a lot of whistling.
Keywords: amish, born again, christian living, jonas yoder, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments

How do the Amish choose their ministers and bishops?
| October 31, 2012Have you ever wondered how the Amish choose their spiritual leaders? First Peter 5:2 says that an elder should serve willingly, not by compulsion. This verse spurred me to ask a few more questions about their procedure, since I have never known them to be willing to serve as deacon, minister, or bishop.

How many Amish people are born again? 20%? 50%? 100%?
| September 17, 2012Coby: I am shocked to find that you believe that the Amish in general do not have a saving relationship with Jesus.
Dear Parents Letter
| July 5, 2012Dear Dad and Mom, It's me. Your child. I want to tell you what's been on my heart for a while. You see, in spite of the fact that I've chosen a different life than you ever would have wanted me to, it doesn't mean I dislike you. Just because I've chosen not to embrace your religion doesn't mean I don't embrace you. In spite of our differences, I want to tell you that I love you.
Keywords: amish, amish beliefs, dad and mom letter, dear parents letter, j martin, mennonite | 3 comments

Youth Leaving the Amish Culture
| May 1, 2012Why are there so many young people leaving their parents and the Amish culture? Is it because the days are evil and according to Romans 1:30 and II Tim 3:2, it will just end that way? Is it because young people want to know why they are required to live differently from the rest of American society and are not getting solid answers (at least in their own mind) that make sense? Is it because more and more Amish youth have cell phones and are able to stay connected with their friends who left before them and, in the process, get talked into leaving too? Is it because the Amish population continues to grow (doubling in size every 15 years). And as it grows, the number of youth leaving becomes greater too?

How Can You Pass Such Harsh Judgment on the Amish?
| April 1, 2012I'm sorry, Joe Keim, but I do not understand your views. If a person believes, he believes and is saved (John 3:16) and if you believe, you will try to live a good life, helping others. None is without sin. I am sure you have sinned and will sin again.

Questions and Answers
| March 1, 2012The following letter was sent in response to an article I wrote in the fall of 2011.
Kentucky: Greetings in Jesus name. Hope this finds you well. I have been reading the Amish Voice for some time. And at times I have questions. For example: In the September issue on "Salvation: Event or Process?" I understand you to say that Jesus' death on the cross paid for all of our sins. My question is, were our sins paid for or are/were they forgiven?
Keywords: amish, amish voice, bible discussion, joe keim, map ministry, mission to amish people, salvation | 1 comments
Interview of a {former Amish} Woman (Part 2 of 2)
| February 3, 2012Part 2 of 2: An Amish woman who was shunned for her faith and left the Order when she was married and in her 30's, is going to be opening up about her experience. Once she began questioning the "faith" based on Jesus Christ, her troubles began inside the Order. She's now ready to start sharing her story and has graciously allowed me to interview her. All the words are solely "Deborah's" and in her "voice" and because of her contacts, in present day, with the Amish, she needs to remain anonymous (thank you for understanding, ahead of time).
Keywords: amish, amish interview, deborah, ex-amish, excommunicated, former amish, shunned | 1 comments
Interview of a {former Amish} Woman (Part 1 of 2)
| February 2, 2012Part 1 of 2: An Amish woman who was shunned for her faith and left the Order when she was married and in her 30's, is going to be opening up about her experience. Once she began questioning the "faith" based on Jesus Christ, her troubles began inside the Order. She's now ready to start sharing her story and has graciously allowed me to interview her. All the words are solely "Deborah's" and in her "voice" and because of her contacts, in present day, with the Amish, she needs to remain anonymous (thank you for understanding, ahead of time).
Keywords: amish, amish interview, deborah, ex-amish, excommunicated, former amish, shunned | 0 comments

Are the Amish Truly Born Again?
| November 8, 2011I've never questioned the fact there are Amish people who've had a born again experience but have chosen to stay Amish in spite of their conversion. The question is: how many would you say are really born again? Few? About half? Most?
Maybe these questions don't mean much to you, however, they are very important to me, since I speak on this subject on a regular basis, and it is NOT my desire to paint a dishonest picture of the Amish.
Having been in full time ministry since 2000, I run into mostly ones who do not understand salvation and will excommunicate those who take a stand for faith alone, grace alone, Christ alone for salvation.
Old Order vs. New Order Amish
| July 27, 2011From our interaction with the New Order Amish, I would say the main difference between Old and New Order is that most New Order groups would teach the plan of salvation and assurance of salvation.
Amish Baptismal Classes
| July 20, 2011It's that time of year when the Amish young people get baptized. Every parent hopes that their child will choose to be baptized by the age of 17, for then, the church will have control over them, and the chances are greater that they will never leave the Amish life. To the Amish, baptism means church membership. By it, they become a voting member of the community and can then be disciplined for their disobedience to the Ordnung.
Keywords: amish, amish life, baptism, baptismal class, church membership, mission to amish people, ordnung, salvation | 3 comments

Amish experience Pentacostal Fire
| July 15, 2011Soon after we married a group of about 10-15 families started having 'singings' during the week. We'd get together and sing and sing and sing.. until we experienced a Spirit of worship... I had never experienced before ... or not to that extent. We had harmonizing 4 part singing soon to add a few more parts... I get tears and 'goose bumps' as I think back to that.
Keywords: amish, amish life, ernie yoder, holy fire, mission to amish people, pentecost, revival, worship god | 0 comments

All the Rules I Followed Gave Me Pride
| July 15, 2011I used to get up early and work hard ‘most every day.
There were, of course, those times when it was good to rest and play.
I used to feed the chickens, milk the cows, and stack the wood.
I went to church, obeyed the rules, and I was pretty good.
Keywords: amish, amish life, mission to amish people, paul miller, poetry, pride, rules | 0 comments

Excommunication and Shunning Members of the Church (Part 3 of 3)
| May 1, 2011The following letter is in response to the article labeled Excommunication and Shunning, January 2011 issue.
Keywords: amish, amish life, amish voice, excommunication, joe keim, map ministry, mission to amish people, shunning | 0 comments
Four Inch Hat
| May 1, 2011True story, written by Andrew Wengerd on the barn wall.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, andrew wengerd, map ministry, mission to amish people, poetry | 0 comments

Excommunication and Shunning Members of the Church (Part 2 of 3)
| March 1, 2011Response and followup on the January article.
Keywords: amish, amish life, amish voice, excommunication, joe keim, map ministry, mission to amish people, shunning | 0 comments

Excommunication and Shunning Members of the Church (Part 1 of 3)
| January 1, 2011Excommunication and shunning, as most of us know, was one of the main reasons why Jacob Amman split away from the Mennonites in late 1600's. In fact, let's visit parts of that history before we get into our main study today.
Keywords: amish, amish life, amish voice, excommunication, hans reist, jacob amman, joe keim, map ministry, mennonite, mission to amish people, shunning | 0 comments

How The Anabaptists Kept Their Focus (Faith)
| November 1, 2010 Can you imagine a group of 53 men and women put into one dungeon with no outside contact whatsoever, except for a narrow slit in the door that was opened twice a day as food was slid in on a tray. Think for a moment...53 men and women... getting along?.... or do you think they had several different worship groups in there? Maybe several denominations? Did they need to argue their view on a certain doctrine? How did they maintain their sanity... their faith...their love for the Lord as well as their love for one another?
Keywords: amish, amish life, amish voice, ernie yoder, faith, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments