Items Tagged with "Family"
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Christians and Divorce
The following are some stats I heard in church from my pastor a few years ago and then I heard them again on a Christian radio station. I don't remember all the numbers exactly, but the point of it, I can remember;1. Question: Are you a Christian; The divorce rate is same as non-Christians.(For thos Read More...
Youth Leaving the Amish Culture
Why are there so many young people leaving their parents and the Amish culture?1. Is it because the days are evil and according to Romans 1:30 and II Timothy 3:2, it will just end that way?2. Is it because young people want to know why they are required to live differently from the rest of American Read More...
The Family
... to look again briefly at the Biblical model of a family. Due to our sinful natures, we still have d...coming a loving, forgiving, happy, healthy, godly family.Let us look first at the husband/wife relat...of love and forgiveness and patience, leading the family in knowing and following God. When was the Read More...
Author: Paul Miller
Tags: wives, relationships, paul miller, mission to amish people, marriage and family, map ministry, husbands, family, divorce, children, amish voice,
Tags: wives, relationships, paul miller, mission to amish people, marriage and family, map ministry, husbands, family, divorce, children, amish voice,