Items Tagged with "Leaving The Amish"
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Youth Leaving the Amish Culture
Why are there so many young people leaving their parents and the Amish culture?1. Is it because the days are evil and according to Romans 1:30 and II Timothy 3:2, it will just end that way?2. Is it because young people want to know why they are required to live differently from the rest of American Read More...
Please Turn to the Text
The following article shows some of what often happens in the life of Joe Keim. It tells how he and a young Amish man have been communicating by texting over several months, some of the challenges involved, and why Mission to Amish People is so much needed. Some of the names and locations have been Read More...
March 2012 Newsletter
CONTENTS Personal Greeting by Joe Keim More Office Space Three Tragic Deaths by Joe Keim Joe's Schedule Ministering in Wisconsin by Joe Keim Schrock Family, Missionaries to Amish by Joe Keim A New Family Member by Wayne Vallowe Leaving the Amish by Joe Keim Read More...Tags: wisconsin, wayne vallowe, uriah shetler, schrock family, salvation, missionaries, mission to amish people newsletter, mentoring, march 2012, map update, map newsletter, map ministry, legacy of love, leaving the amish, joe keim, former amish, ex-amish, deaths, conversion, bible club catalog, amish voice, amish, ada mast,