Items Tagged with "Conversion"
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Are the Amish Truly Born Again?
Dear MAP, I felt led to write you after I received a few emails from concerned friends. They knew I was planning to join the Amish but after reading on your website they decided they better "warn" me.They wrote with a concerned heart that the Amish are not saved/born again. They were under the impre Read More...
March 2012 Newsletter a Legacy Mentoring Uriah by Joe Keim The Conversion of Ada Mast by Ada Mast to do! Top of Page The Conversion of Ada Mast by Ada Mast I would ... college in the fall. Top of Page Read More...Tags: wisconsin, wayne vallowe, uriah shetler, schrock family, salvation, missionaries, mission to amish people newsletter, mentoring, march 2012, map update, map newsletter, map ministry, legacy of love, leaving the amish, joe keim, former amish, ex-amish, deaths, conversion, bible club catalog, amish voice, amish, ada mast,