Christian Living
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Set Up For A Blessing
| July 1, 2009When the Father prompts us to do little things, He is never trying to take anything away from us. He is always trying to set us up for a blessing.
Martin Luther: Here I Stand (Part 2 of 3)
| July 1, 2009I [Martin Luther] hungered to find assurance of my salvation. However, the rigors of the monastic life could not calm my clamoring conscience. I saw that I was a great sinner in the eyes of God and I realized how impossible it would be for me to please God on my own merits. So I fled to the merits of the saints.

The Greatest Commandment
| May 1, 2009I knew a lady several years ago that, when raising her children, would withdraw love from them as punishment. When they displeased her, she would say, "I don't love you." This was how she controlled them. This is called conditional love. I love you only if you obey me. Those children eventually grew up and the emotional problems they had made their life almost impossible.

What Does God Say About Foot Washing?
| May 1, 2009It is my hope that you have already read "Heart to Heart with Joe Keim" on page two. If you haven't, you might want to do so before reading this article on foot washing. In the March 2007 edition of the Amish Voice, we published a small article on the front page that covered foot washing
Are We Ready For The Return of Jesus Christ, Our Lord?
| May 1, 2009We are still here, but we don't know how much longer it will be before He returns. We try to live life to its fullest, and serve God in the best way we know how. So many of us have big plans for down the road; maybe plans for this year, or next year. Some of us might be saying we want to do this, or do that before it's too late.
Martin Luther: Here I Stand (Part 1 of 3)
| May 1, 2009Reformation Sunday: People know this Sunday by at least three names: Halloween, All Saints Day, and Reformation Sunday. They call it "Reformation Sunday" because on October 31, 1517, a thirty-three year old man dressed as a monk strolled to the door of the Castle Church in the small town of Wittenberg, Germany not to cry out, "Trick or Treat," but to nail to that door a parchment listing his deeply held theological convictions.

Who Is My Neighbor?
| March 1, 2009The following parable is probably the most well known of all parables. To many it is known as the parable of the Good Samaritan. In order to fully understand the impact on the listeners, we shall look in depth a little more.

The Time Is Nearing - Are You Ready?
| March 1, 2009This story, I believe, gives us the clear instructions about being ready for the return of Jesus. Anyone who is diligent enough to be aware of what is happening around the world today will know the time is very close for the return of Jesus. These Virgins all believed in Jesus and were waiting for His return.
Life Is Like A Treasure Hunt
| March 1, 2009How many of us have something in common? I know we as humans are all created different from each other, yet I believe we can all relate to the same thing, one way or the other. For example, we sometimes feel empty, sad, lonely, or like no one cares. It may even seem like no body wants to listen to what we have to share.

A New Beginning
| January 1, 2009People of every kindred and nationality need to have hope set before them at all times, or else they can become despondent. A new president takes office and many people hope that will set our nation on a course to better times. We move to a new location and hope to open a new page on the way our neighbors relate to us.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, christian living, eli stutzman, faith, hope, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments

Have You Fully Surrendered Your Heart To God?
| January 1, 2009The apostle Paul writes in Philippians 3:7-10: But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, And be found in HIM,
Regret and Dread
| January 1, 2009Regret of the past and dread of the future are both thieves of joy. Let's examine each of them in detail to learn what causes them and how to avoid them as we continue our quest to enjoy the abundant life that God has provided for us through His son Jesus.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, christian living, dread, katie hershberger, map ministry, mission to amish people, regret | 0 comments
Drawing Near To God
| November 1, 2008I feel so blessed to be able to write for the Amish Voice. I sense that God wanted me to have a part in this and also in a prayer group. I know there are many people across the country that need someone to pray for them. It's important for us as God's children that we care for each other and let others know that God cares.

The Inadequacy of Law-Based Living (Part II)
| November 1, 2008Despite the books and chapters of the Bible dedicated to teaching believers their freedom from the law, Christians still try to find victory and comfort through law. The flesh drives them to self-righteousness and performance, forgetting only the righteousness of Christ living through us is valuable to God. Last issue we studied five characteristics of law-based living. Below are five more.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, bruce lengeman, christian living, freedom, grace, law, map ministry, mission to amish people, rules, tradition | 0 comments

Which One Are You?
| November 1, 2008In many of Paul's letters he introduces himself as a servant of Jesus Christ and I was curious about the word servant. This is what I discovered.

The Day The Church's Borders Fell
| November 1, 2008One of the most fascinating stories I cherish begins in Acts 10. The apostle Peter was in Joppa visiting and ministering in the churches. Joppa is today a part of Tel Aviv, the capitol of Israel. Jerusalem lies southeast about forty miles and Caesarea is about thirty-five miles north from Joppa. Travel was mostly on foot and people often traveled in small groups for safety.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, christian living, eli stutzman, gentile, jew, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments

Equal Before God
| November 1, 2008Is one race of people of more value than another race? Is there a culture of people who has more merit, more worth than any other culture? Is there a group of people anyplace on earth who has more qualities within them that makes them more valuable than any other group of people?
Keywords: amish, amish voice, christian living, equality, joe keim, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments
Content With God's Placement in the Body
| November 1, 2008A king once went into his garden and found everything withered and dying. Speaking to an oak that stood near the gate, he found it was sick of life because it was not tall and beautiful like the pine. The pine was discouraged because it could not bear delicious fruit like the pear tree, while the pear tree was upset because it did not have the lovely odor of the spruce.

The Greatest Commandment
| September 1, 2008I LOVE to read Jesus' response to these preachers of the day when they asked him "I gotcha questions," because he never responded how they wanted him to or how they expected him to. YOU SEE THEY EXPECTED JESUS TO GIVE A LIST OF THE LAWS THEY WERE SO PROUDLY CLINGING TO. Instead Jesus didn't even mention anything listed in the law they were referring to, but he said the greatest commandment I want to leave you with is to LOVE. "LOVE God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength (this is listed in Mark 12) and then LOVE your neighbor as you LOVE yourself." So LOVE is important. I have been thinking about and studying about what this LOVE looks like.

The Inadequacy of Law-Based Living (Part I)
| September 1, 2008Despite the books and chapters of the Bible dedicated to teaching believers their freedom from the law, Christians still try to find victory and comfort through law. The flesh drives them to self-righteousness and performance, forgetting that only the righteousness of Christ living through us is valuable to God. Below are five characteristics of law-based living you may want to ponder. We will cover five more next article.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, bruce lengeman, christian living, freedom, grace, law, map ministry, mission to amish people, rules, tradition | 0 comments

What Is A Believer?
| September 1, 2008In the book of Acts 16:31 it tells us of a sermon by Paul and Silas to the jailer; And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. It seemed too easy to preach such a short sermon and have such a large impact on the life of their jailer. Surely many of these Roman rulers had personally met and heard Jesus in their earlier years. How could anyone not believe what they had seen with their own eyes? But there is more to it! Lets examine what the difference is between believing about and believing on.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, believe, christian living, eli stutzman, map ministry, mission to amish people, salvation | 0 comments

Be Still And Know That I Am God
| September 1, 2008I have been thinking a lot about how people are so busy in life these days. It seems that everyone is continually running like crazy in order to make ends meet.

Making Heaven My Future Home
| July 1, 2008What a wonderful time of year when new life is springing up everywhere. In fact, not only is our family seeing new life all around us, but we also experienced it in our own home. On February 24, 2008 at 3:17 PM Ashlynn Rose was born and added to our family. She has brought much joy to the hearts of all who have met her including her big sister, Amy Elizabeth. Amy adores her and showers her with kisses every opportunity she gets.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, barbara keim, christian living, heaven, map ministry, mission to amish people, salvation | 0 comments

Before You Judge And Criticize Ask Yourself These Questions
| July 1, 2008Below are some questions to ask before you point the finger critically at someone else. When you're tempted to criticize go through this list and see which questions apply. Let's honor God by not unfairly judging others!
Keywords: amish, amish voice, bruce lengeman, christian living, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments

Still The Manna Fell
| July 1, 2008One of the more familiar stories from the Old Testament is about the time when the children of Israel needed food and God gave them manna. Exodus 16:35 And the children of Israel did eat the manna forty years, until they came to a land inhabited; they did eat the manna, until they came unto the borders of the land of Canaan. This fills me with wonder at the size of God's grace.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, christian living, eli stutzman, grace, map ministry, mercy, mission to amish people | 0 comments

Examine Yourselves
| July 1, 2008When was the last time you stopped, closed your eyes and looked all the way down deep into your heart and soul to see whether you were truly prepared to die and meet your creator? If you have not done so in awhile, would you consider doing that now? And when you do that, would you consider the following scripture?
Keywords: amish, amish voice, christian living, faith, joe keim, map ministry, mission to amish people, salvation | 1 comments
Most Worry Is Unnecessary
| July 1, 2008It's almost as though we search for problems to give ourselves stress. The amazing news is that much of what we worry about doesn't matter at all! Take a look at these statistics about worry:
Keywords: amish, amish voice, christian living, map ministry, mission to amish people, worry | 0 comments
The Story of Arthur Stace: Also Known As Mr. Eternity
| July 1, 2008Arthur Stace was born and raised in Sydney Australia. His father and mother were both drunkards. Two sisters and two brothers also were drunks and they lived much of their time in jail.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, arthur stace, christian living, eternity, map ministry, mission to amish people, mr eternity | 0 comments

Bitter Or Better: The Simple Truth About Your Joy In Life (Or Lack Of It!)
| May 1, 2008The toughest, most courageous people in history have been people who in their lives have endured terrible, unfortunate circumstance. I have two friends who are brothers, whose father deserted them when they were young. One went on to have a successful life and family, the other destroyed his relationships, and lived in much bitterness. Both grew up in the same home, with the same parents. What was the difference?
Keywords: amish, amish voice, bitterness, bruce lengeman, christian living, joy, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments

It Is Written
| May 1, 2008When we make a major purchase or wish to have something understood properly, we put the words in writing. The spoken word has weight also, but time has a way of causing us to forget exactly what was said. When God created heaven and earth, he simply spoke all things into existence.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, bible, christian living, eli stutzman, map ministry, mission to amish people, scriptures, tradition | 0 comments