Items Tagged with "Heaven"
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Making Heaven My Future Home
...ed from hell. Jesus is the only name given under heaven by which we can be saved. What does the Bi...s the Bible say about being saved so we can go to heaven when we die? John 8:31, 32 Then said Je...r cultural lines. This is what it will be like in heaven and this is what it should be like among Ch Read More...
Author: Barbara Keim
Tags: salvation, mission to amish people, map ministry, heaven, christian living, barbara keim, amish voice, amish,
Tags: salvation, mission to amish people, map ministry, heaven, christian living, barbara keim, amish voice, amish,

The Bottom Line
...n is this:WHAT DOES GOD SAY I HAVE TO DO TO ENTER HEAVEN?When the man on the road to Jericho fell vi... children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. The character of a child is to be ab...but ultimately it has to be God's way, as he owns heaven. I cannot grant or deny anyone entrance int Read More...
Author: Eli Stutzman
Tags: salvation, mission to amish people, map ministry, heaven, eli stutzman, christian living, amish voice, amish,
Tags: salvation, mission to amish people, map ministry, heaven, eli stutzman, christian living, amish voice, amish,

One Million Years From Now . . ., the only thing that will matter is who is in heaven and who is in hell. And if that is true, can have all your sins forgiven and a home in heaven when you die, would you let me? To my huge ...ndescribable passion that He gave up the Glory of Heaven, came to our sinful and wicked planet and a Read More...
Author: Joe Keim
Tags: mission to amish people, map ministry, joe keim, hell, heaven, christian living, amish voice, amish,
Tags: mission to amish people, map ministry, joe keim, hell, heaven, christian living, amish voice, amish,

The Place for all the SaintsA place of ultimate beautyWhere not one shall over faintFree from trials and of duty The Place that holds all treasureWhere Sun nor Moon will no more beEyes shall behold, riches beyond measureBy rivers of water, Life upon a tree The Lamb of God, there dwellUpon a Thro Read More...
Author: Cindy Miller
Tags: poetry, mission to amish people, map ministry, heaven, cindy miller, amish voice, amish,
Tags: poetry, mission to amish people, map ministry, heaven, cindy miller, amish voice, amish,

Will Heaven Be Divided Up Into Sections?
...ver crossed your mind as to how God is setting up heaven for all the different people groups on eart... as divided as they have ever been?When we get to heaven, do you and I really believe there will be ...e get there, we will learn that those who entered heaven will live together as one big happy family? Read More...
Author: Joe Keim
Tags: mission to amish people, map ministry, joe keim, heaven, christian unity, bible discussion, amish,
Tags: mission to amish people, map ministry, joe keim, heaven, christian unity, bible discussion, amish,

Where Will You Spend Eternity?
...eath? Answer: You can KNOW that you are going to Heaven! Question: Have you ever wondered about li... truth is that you can KNOW that you are going to Heaven! If you don't KNOW that you are going to H... Heaven! If you don't KNOW that you are going to Heaven, then there is a good chance that you are n Read More...Tags: the gospel., salvation, mission to amish people, hell, heaven, everlasting life, eternity, dying,