Items Tagged with "Poetry"
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I Will Restore the Years the Locusts Have Eaten
I came to the Lord one day, said, 'Pray will You tell me'?I am serving You now, but things weren't always that way. I am wondering, what about all those years that I have just thrown away'? I will restore the years the locusts have eaten.I will make beautiful the things of the past. I will cause yo Read More...
All the Rules I Followed Gave Me Pride
I used to get up early and work hard ‘most every day.There were, of course, those times when it was good to rest and play. I used to feed the chickens, milk the cows, and stack the wood.I went to church, obeyed the rules, and I was pretty good. I had best friends, fine family, and close comm Read More...
Author: Paul Miller
Tags: rules, pride, poetry, paul miller, mission to amish people, amish life, amish,
Tags: rules, pride, poetry, paul miller, mission to amish people, amish life, amish,

Freedom From The Past
(1)I was walking in the valley of darknessFear and hatred overtook me,I was in my own world of selfishness,Believing the lies the Enemy told me. (2)Feeling lonely, rejected, hurt, and confused,No one could I trust anymore,Always feeling unloved and used,Turning away when you knocked on my door. (3 Read More...
Author: Miriam Petersheim
Tags: poetry, mission to amish people, miriam petersheim, map ministry, freedom, amish voice, amish,
Tags: poetry, mission to amish people, miriam petersheim, map ministry, freedom, amish voice, amish,

Little Star
A poem written by Esther Keim after her miscarriage on Valentine’s Day 1996. Writing this poem helped a lot with the emotional healing of the heart.LITTLE STARI was glad to know that you named me Little StarAs it will help me when I shine for you in a land afarJust to know that you cared enoug Read More...
Author: Esther Keim
Tags: poetry, mission to amish people, map ministry, little star, esther keim, amish voice, amish,
Tags: poetry, mission to amish people, map ministry, little star, esther keim, amish voice, amish,

The Place for all the SaintsA place of ultimate beautyWhere not one shall over faintFree from trials and of duty The Place that holds all treasureWhere Sun nor Moon will no more beEyes shall behold, riches beyond measureBy rivers of water, Life upon a tree The Lamb of God, there dwellUpon a Thro Read More...
Author: Cindy Miller
Tags: poetry, mission to amish people, map ministry, heaven, cindy miller, amish voice, amish,
Tags: poetry, mission to amish people, map ministry, heaven, cindy miller, amish voice, amish,

Four Inch Hat
When I was young and full of pepI often made a crooked stepBut now I am old and my head looks flatBecause I wear a 4 inch hatBut now if I am honest and trueThat 4 inch hat will surely doBut should I tell a lie at thatWhat good would do my 4 inch hatAn Amish church split was caused because half wante Read More...
Author: Andrew Wengerd
Tags: poetry, mission to amish people, map ministry, andrew wengerd, amish voice, amish,
Tags: poetry, mission to amish people, map ministry, andrew wengerd, amish voice, amish,

Lord of Glory
Lord you are my GloryThrough the awful darknessLord you are my LightWhen the way is as night Lord you are my strengthWhen mine has melted as waxLord you are my strong towerWhen the rain is as a shower Lord you are my comfortWhen I'm beaten and batteredLord you are my everlasting hopeWhen the lies of Read More...
Author: Cindy Miller
Tags: poetry, mission to amish people, map ministry, cindy miller, amish voice, amish,
Tags: poetry, mission to amish people, map ministry, cindy miller, amish voice, amish,

Judgment Day Is Coming
1.Judgment Day is coming soonWhen O sinner, How long tarrySleep, slumber no more till noonBeaten, battered and o so weary2.The minute hand ticks on and onSands of time running outSoon it will midnight strikeThe clouds depart, a great shout3.Wake up! Wake up! All you sinnersBecome alert, Fall on your Read More...
Author: Cindy Miller
Tags: poetry, mission to amish people, map ministry, cindy miller, amish voice, amish,
Tags: poetry, mission to amish people, map ministry, cindy miller, amish voice, amish,

My Daddy
I remember when in days gone byWhen in childhood tenderlyA little boy in his daddy's lapWould hear the old storyThe story of old AbrahamAnd Peter, James and JohnBut most of all I remember when,You would hold your little son. I remember when my daddy dearWould take my little handYou'd guide my little Read More...
Author: Jonathan Helmuth
Tags: poetry, mission to amish people, map ministry, jonathan helmuth, father, amish voice, amish,
Tags: poetry, mission to amish people, map ministry, jonathan helmuth, father, amish voice, amish,

Now I Believe
When the woman returned, after going to the well.People gathered, wondering what story she would tell.That Man told me of the many wrongs I have done.I know He told the truth, He is the promised One. This Man is the Christ just come and you will see. Look! He's over there, wanting to set us free.Kn Read More...
Author: Angela Duncan
Tags: amish, amish voice, map ministry, mission to amish people, angela duncan, poetry, believe, faith,
Tags: amish, amish voice, map ministry, mission to amish people, angela duncan, poetry, believe, faith,

My Song
The story behind my poem is very special to me because the Lord asked me to write it. I'm from the Amish culture, and as the Lord opened my eyes to receive Him as my Savior, I now want to share my testimony with others. He has changed my perspective and made a new piece of pottery out of me. T Read More...
Author: Cora Byler
Tags: testimonies, savior, poetry, mission to amish people, map ministry, cora byler, amish,
Tags: testimonies, savior, poetry, mission to amish people, map ministry, cora byler, amish,

Choosing Our Cross
Sometimes I stop and wonder why God in his merciful loveSent His only son, Jesus, down from the beautiful heaven above.Was it because our gracious God could see beyond that huge loss,And this was the only way to teach us to accept our own cross?God, in His great wisdom, must have known right from th Read More...
Forgive One Another
Are we drifting along through this life kinda half way asleep,And all the sins we are committing never cause us to weep?We feel no need of forgiveness and the forgiving of other too,But when we come before our Creator then what will we do? If we have days that seem like we're living our life in v Read More...
Author: Orva Hochstetler
Tags: victory, salvation, poetry, orva hochstetler, mission to amish people, map ministry, heart, forgiving, forgive, amish voice,
Tags: victory, salvation, poetry, orva hochstetler, mission to amish people, map ministry, heart, forgiving, forgive, amish voice,