Jonathan Helmuth
Jonathan's Articles
A Father's Blessing
Shortly before Jacob, who was also called Israel, passed away, he took the time to formally bless his twelve sons. The giving of a father's blessing is not something that most people are familiar with in our own day. Although, I am aware that this has become more popular in some circles, but my guess is that most people wouldn't understand why something like this is important.
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How Great Is Our God?
Have you ever thought about how great our God is and just how much he actually loves us? We tend to imagine that he is a certain way and does things the way we are. We know it is wrong to create an idol and bow ourselves down to it, but how many times do we do that in our minds by imagining God to be a certain way? Too many times we tend to put God in a box or draw a line in the sand and say that God is inside these parameters. The next thing we know God is over there somewhere using a person that does not fit inside our box. And what do we do? Many times we write it off as from the Devil because, by the way, the Devil is powerful too.
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My Daddy
I remember when in days gone by
When in childhood tenderly
A little boy in his daddy's lap
Would hear the old story
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The Hope Of The Gospel
The hope of the Gospel is an amazing thing. In Hebrews 11:1 it says that faith is the substance of things hoped for... According to this scripture, hope is the foundation of faith. Psalms says, "Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God."
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God Has A Plan And Purpose For You
Paul said, For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. Eph 2:10 This indicates that before we were born God had a specific plan for us but in the previous verses he is saying that we can not be saved by these good works. We must first be born again in order to fulfill the plan he has for us.
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Is What Jesus Did and Said Enough?
I have often asked the question, "What is my faith based on?" ¨ Is it based on the word of God? ¨ Is it based on some creed or belief system? ¨ Is it based on some man, or just because grandpa said so? ¨ Is it based on tradition or even in a church or particular denomination? What is the foundation on which I am building on? ¨ With all the political shaking going on in the world and all the economic instability, will my faith be able to stand? ¨ What if persecution comes to America, will my faith stand the test?
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Romans 12:2 Says, And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable and perfect will of God. I have been meditating on this scripture for quite a while and I am sure most of us have heard this verse quoted many times. But have we ever really stopped to think what this verse is really talking about?
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The Keys Of The Kingdom
This scripture verse is one of the most misunderstood but important verses in the Bible. Jesus was giving his disciples keys. The keys of the kingdom of heaven lock or unlock the mysteries of this realm to us.
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