Items Tagged with "Plain People"
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Separation From The World (Part 1)
Having a plain background myself, I tend to spend a fair amount of time studying the ways of the plain Amish and Mennonites. One of the primary definitive cultural beliefs maintained by the plain people surrounds separation from the world. In fact, while studying our rich culture, I discovered that Read More...
Separation From The World (Part 2)
In Separation from the World, Part I, I wrote: “One of the [main] beliefs maintained by the plain people surrounds separation from the world. In fact, while studying our rich culture, I discovered that if you look past that one belief, the average plain person isn’t [all that] different Read More...
Author: Jeremiah Z
Tags: plain people, mission to amish people, mennonite, map ministry, jeremiah zeiset, former amish, ex-amish, amish,
Tags: plain people, mission to amish people, mennonite, map ministry, jeremiah zeiset, former amish, ex-amish, amish,