Items Tagged with "Bible"
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It Is Written
..." If God works his will according to the written Word, the Bible, we need to take notice. If we can't know what he expects of us, He is unjust. If we refuse to look, we have no excuse. If we look and refuse to accept it, we will have to answer. Traditions are usually not written, because they a Read More...
Author: Eli Stutzman
Tags: tradition, scriptures, mission to amish people, map ministry, eli stutzman, christian living, bible, amish voice, amish,
Tags: tradition, scriptures, mission to amish people, map ministry, eli stutzman, christian living, bible, amish voice, amish,

Does God Speak to Us Today?
I have been thinking about one thing in particular that people will use if they don't want to hear a particular message. There are some who will use this, even claim it supersedes the Bible, the Word of God.This reasoning is; I hear from God myself, I don't need any man to tell me how and what "my G Read More...
Verse-By-Verse Study
Verse by Verse Study Our VERSE BY VERSE STUDY contains nine in-depth lessons through some of the New Testament books of the Bible. Below you will find a link to the first LESSON in this course. Before you begin filling in the answers, please save your LESSON.&n Read More...