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The Amish Voice 4

planeload of people soon after takeoff. A voice comes on the

plane’s intercom, “Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome aboard. We are climbing to our planned

cruising altitude of 39,000 feet. All of the plane’s systems are

working perfectly, and we expect to land at our destination

on time. This is a fully automated plane. There is no pilot or

copilot. Everything is guided and monitored by a computer.

We want you to sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight. Nothing

can go wrong...can go wrong...can go wrong....”

Do not put your trust in man and his abilities, not even in your

own. As you well know, we all fail...we all fail...we all fail—

far, far too often. Place your trust in Jesus Christ, for He never



The law of Christ is the law of ministry and love.

“Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered

unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom

for many” (Mt.20:28).

Christ gave and sacrificed Himself to reach out to man. He

bore the sins of man

for man

. We, of course, cannot bear the

sins of men; but we can bear the burdens of each other, for we

all suffer under the weight of sin—whether the sins are known

or not. We can…

“Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with

them that weep” (Ro.12:15).



This is the reason so many fallen brothers are locked out of the

fellowship of believers and churches. They are looked upon as


This attitude, of course, is contrary to the Spirit of Christ. Note

the words, “When he is nothing.” Christ came to save

“nothings,” that is, sinners. All men are sinners whether they

know it or not. Even believers, after they are saved, are

sinners. This is too often forgotten, yet believers are both

saved and kept

by the righteousness of Christ and not by their

own righteousness. We must always remember this, for the

only acceptable approach to God is through the righteousness

of Jesus Christ.

The point is this: no person is better than any other person, not

in righteousness and godliness. All men stand before God as

sinners; in fact, they stand as totally depraved sinners. There is

not a single man who is righteous, no, not one—not today, not

tomorrow, not ever. If a man, believer or unbeliever, wants to

stand in God’s presence, he has to come by Jesus Christ and

his righteousness alone. Therefore, there is absolutely no place

among God’s people for...


spiritual snobbishness

spiritual pride

There is absolutely no place for feeling superior or spiritually

better than others. Only one person can make that claim: Jesus

Christ. Within the church and its believers, there is to be only

one attitude: that of confessing our nothingness before God—

that of confessing our total dependency upon the grace of

God—that of confessing the righteousness of Jesus Christ.

Note that any other confession is a deception. If we think

otherwise, we only deceive ourselves.

When a believer understands this truth, then he is ready to

reach out and help restore the erring brother. He knows he is

no better; he has to approach Christ just like the erring

brother—as nothing, for he is nothing. Righteously and godly,

he stands on the same footing as the fallen brother: neither one

of them has any righteousness or godliness to offer God.


1. Have you ever said, “I’ll never do this or that,” but you

did? Why did you think you were not capable of falling?

2. Pride has a way of producing blind spots in people. What

kind of blind spots does pride produce in you?

3. What can you do to strengthen your ability to resist falling

into sin?

be compassionate




be warm and tender

share the promises of God




1. What was the heaviest burden that you had to bear that

belonged to someone else? Why was it so heavy? What

was the final outcome?

2. How do you feel when someone comes along side of you

to bear one of your burdens?


less capable


less spiritual

too tarnished


3. Briefly describe the greatest burden that you are carrying.

What has to happen before it crushes you? Can you carry

it alone and remain spiritually healthy? Why or why not?