The Miting (By: Dee Yoder)



Leah is seventeen and Amish. Like many her age, she has lots of questions, but the temporary flight of freedom known as rumspringen is not the answer for her. She does not desire Englisher fashion, all-night parties, movies, or lots of boyfriends. Leah is seeking to understand her relationship with God, to deepen and broaden her faith by joining a Bible study hosted by an ex-Amish couple. She wants to know why Amish life is the only lifestyle her family accepts, why the church has so many rules, and most disturbing, how godly men can allow her best friend to be abused in her own home.

In the pressure-cooker environment of church and family, Leah is not allowed to ask these questions. When finally she reaches the breaking point, she walks away from the Old Order Amish life that is all she has known. Though adapting amiably to the Englisher world, Leah is tormented with homesickness. Returning to the community, however, entails a journey of pain and sorrow Leah could never have imagined.

The miting - shunning - that will now be Leah's unendurable oppression every day is beyond her most devoted attempts to believe or understand. All the bishop and her family ask is that she abandon her practice of reading the Bible. Is that a price she is willing to pay?

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About The Author:

Once I heard the stories of the former Amish, I felt a desire begin to grow to share their journey with others. I realized there was much more than was visible on the surface of being Amish, and I could sense God tugging on my heart to write about the former Amish journey. But I resisted. I wasn't sure I was up to the challenge - I wanted to get their stories down accurately and with heart. I didn't want to add to the troubles many of my former Amish friends often experienced when they simply and honestly related their struggles: Rejection of their truth. After a lot of prayer, I finally began the manuscript that would be published as The Miting.

Included in the book are stories which reflect the experiences of several former Amish after they left their Amish communities. The main character, Leah, is based on three wonderful young ladies I met through prayer meetings and other events MAP hosted. Together, their personalities and traits have been blended to create a lovely and heart-warming individual. I based the characters of Matthew and Naomi Schrock on the work of Joe and Esther Keim. I tried to share the commitment and strength of the Keim's in their work with the former Amish, who often need just the right kind of boost and mentorship as they grow into their new "English" skins. But I especially wanted to focus on the relationship Leah Raber discovers in Jesus Christ. For all persons, Amish or English, there is no better connection to establish than the one that comes from Him.

Because of my deeply held belief that The Miting is a work of the heart, a trust the Lord has placed in my hands, I decided long ago, before the book was ever sold to a publisher, that any royalties the book accrues will be donated to the MAP Ministry. What does this mean? In a book contract, an author agrees to work with the publisher to create the best book they can together. The author also receives an advance on the future earnings of the book. That initial funding allows the author to provide books at signings and meets immediate needs required for marketing. Once that advance is "paid back" to the publisher in book sales, then the author begins to receive a percentage, royalties, from sales of the book. Quarterly reports from the publisher are generated and the author is sent the royalty check after the report. To ensure integrity for myself, and to be able to honestly continue to work with the former Amish with an open heart, I feel I can't take the royalties from The Miting. My Father blesses me daily with all I need. I trust He will continue to meet those needs, and I look forward to seeing how He blesses The Miting, and in turn, MAP Ministry.

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