Page 2 - May 2012 Newsletter

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Page 2 Mission to Amish People —
My Journey to
by Mattie Mullet
Mattie Mullet was
born and raised
Amish, but at the age
of 51, she did the
unthinkable; she left
everything she had
ever known. And as
she would say, “I
could not have done
it, had it not been for
my Lord and Savior,
Jesus Christ.”
This book is not fic-
tion; it is the true
story of what one
woman, Mattie Mul-
let, had to go through
in order to follow her
Savior and Lord
Jesus Christ.
You can buy the
book from Ama-
Saturday and Sunday were great days of prayer, men-
torship, and training for the attendees.
We were all tremendously blessed, and refocused on
the importance of bringing the truth of the Gospel of
Jesus Christ to all men, especially the Amish and other
plain groups that God foresaw to burden our hearts
I would like to thank all those who attended and en-
courage those who couldn’t to make plans now to at-
tend next year. Joe will be sending out an email soon
with details.
I would also like to thank Joe Keim for his leadership
during the weekend, and the owner and staff of Hope
Springs Manor for the great accommodations and
meals provided during the weekend.
Details are being worked out for a 2nd annual leader-
ship meeting in 2013 and will most likely be in the
Northern Indiana area once more. If you are interested
in attending, please email Chris Utley at
For a more detailed write up on
this year’s event, please go to:
Chris serves as a state trooper
for the state of TN and is mar-
ried to Ginny and has two little
boys. For several years, Chris
and his family have sponsored
the Amish Voice for selected
Amish communities in TN. He
was also the organizer for the
leadership meeting in Goshen
IN. Please pray as he and his
family seek the Lord’s leading in becoming a bigger
part of MAP.
Schrock Family, Missionaries to Amish in Wisconsin
—by Melvin Schrock
Greetings from Wisconsin!
The first week in April, our family went to Spencer,
OH, to attend Missionary Training School. The school
lasted for a week
and was filled with
a lot of good, solid
biblical teaching
that will have an
everlasting value
to us. The children
also had a class of
learning from the
Bible at their level, which they enjoyed very much.
I’m working with my youngest brother, Levi, in help-
ing him make the transition from the Amish lifestyle to
the English lifestyle where he will have freedom in
Christ. Levi is 23 years old and has some disabilities,
so he will need daily assistance. I’m working on find-
ing the right group home for him—one that is local so
we can take him along to church.
With Levi being a born again believer and still living at
home, there is much conflict and opposition going on.
Recently my Dad told Levi, “You believing the way
you do and me believing the way the Amish do, does
not work in my home.” Dad told Levi that he’s very
close to telling him, “One of these days, I will tell you
to leave home now, and it’s your problem if you don’t
have a place to live.” Please pray for Levi that God
would provide a home for him before that would take
In April, the Schrock family was approved by the MAP
board to start presenting the need for a ministry to
churches in the mid-western states. They have had
some startup costs that totaled $800. If someone would
like to help them with these expenses or support their
ministry, please send your donation to MAP, ear-
marked “Schrock Family”
If you are reading this and live in the WI and surround-
ing states, please notify Melvin about coming and do-
ing a ministry presentation. Their contact number is
(715) 558-2883.
Former Amish Reunion
This year the Former Amish Reunion (FAR) will be held on July 21 at Freedom Fellowship Church in Apple
Creek OH. If you have an Amish background, please come and bring a cold or hot dish. This event always
brings about great fellowship and encouragement in the Lord. More info: call (419) 962-1515
These three young
men recently left the
Amish and came to
our Saturday morn-
ing Bible study. John
(right) came to the
U.S. with his family
but never changed
Thanks to his sister
who worked hard
and diligently to help
him out. The other
two are also working
on birth cert, SS
numbers and Driv-
er’s Licenses.
—Continued from front page—