Page 1 - May 2012 Newsletter

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Mission to Amish People
P.O. Box 128, 575 St Rt 250 N
Savannah, Ohio 44874
(419) 962-1515
May 2012
Today, we buried my two year
old nephew, the son of my broth-
er William (former Amish) and
his wife Jenica. When we first
heard that he passed away, it
made so little sense and was al-
most unbearable to accept. But
now that the funeral is over, we
are already seeing God’s sover-
eign and eternal plan unfold and
it’s starting to make more sense.
Here is how:
1. Except for one brother, it
once again brought our
entire Keim family, spous-
es and children together.
2. During the funeral, Pastor
John preached the gospel
and, when he gave an invi-
tation, many responded.
After the funeral was over, our
whole family came together for
more fellowship.
Tragedy explained: Dalton Keim
(front right), two years old, was
mischievous and had no fear. His
mother was cooking a wild tur-
key on the stove, which had been
boiling in water for four to five
hours and as the family eagerly
waited for the turkey to get done,
little Dalton was behind his
mother at the oven and tried to
pull himself up by the oven door
handle. When he did that, the
whole oven tipped forward and
all the hot water poured down
over his body. William and Jeni-
ca just moved into this fully ap-
plianced house less than two
months ago and had no idea that
the oven was not anchored down
and the oven could tip.
So quickly, joy and excitement
turned into sorrow and heartache.
Fourteen hours later and hun-
dreds of prayers from the heart,
God chose to take Dalton home
to Glory Land.
Between 800-900 people came
out for the viewing and about 400
attended the funeral.
If you would like to send the
Keims a card, you can send it to:
William, Jenica & Malachi Keim
PO Box 128, Savannah OH 44874
More Office Space
The Need:
As some of
you may know, the MAP
Ministries building has
become too small for the
increased requests for Bi-
ble Club lessons, MAP
offices and many volun-
teers to reasonably work
out of. Our desire is to add
on to the present building
for storage and offices and
thus using the present
building space for our vol-
unteers in which to work.
MAP has been offered free
labor from Portage Com-
munity Church (Ravenna
OH), if we can raise the
cost of basic materials such
as a concrete floor, insula-
tion, roofing, siding and
drywall, we can begin the
project; the estimated cost
is $20,000. We currently
have $4,000.
urgent need
is for
so the building
can be started as soon as
possible. You, our readers,
can help by sending your
gift marked "
building ex-
" to MAP at PO
Box 128, Savannah OH
44874. Please be in prayer
for us as we strive to raise
these funds.
—by Phyllis Weibel
The first Ministry to Amish People “leadership”
gathering was held on the weekend of April 13-15,
2012, in Goshen, IN. The purpose of the weekend
was to bring people together who are actively in-
volved in ministries to Amish for a weekend of
prayer, mentorship, and motivation.
The weekend began on Friday evening, after most
all of the participants had arrived, with a great meal
prepared by the innkeeper of the Hope Springs
Manor Bed and Breakfast. A great time of getting
to know one another, introductions, and fellowship
was enjoyed at dinner before we all gathered for
the first of several meetings during the weekend.
Joe began our gatherings with a simple question:
Why are you here? We answered that question at
that time, and it was added to throughout the week-
—Continued next page—
MAP Leadership Meeting
—by Chris Utley