Page 2 - Newsletter_May_2011

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Page 2 Mission to Amish People —
Adjusting from an Amish
Community to English Society
The ability to adjust to life
outside Amish culture varies
greatly from one individual to
another and sect as well. That
adjustment is hard in itself,
not to include the condemna-
ton heaped on those who
have lef.
The condemnaton is not so
direct, since you are out of
communicaton from the old
community, but you know it's
there. Some members will
now give you "The look"
which is a condemnaton in
Huge decisions have to be
made as soon as you land on
the shores of this alien planet.
What about educaton? Job?
Drivers license? Health insur-
ance, since you will not be
covered by the old communi-
ty. Do I need a living will? In
case of death, who will bury
you? Would you stll want an
Amish funeral? What church,
if any, will you seek? Whose
spiritual advice do you trust?
Am I simply trading one set of
rules for another? What is the
proper way to date? (If you're
The truth of the mater is,
very few are equipped to
make any of these critcal de-
cisions right away. Up tll now
all these things were decided
for you. If we look stunned for
a while, try to understand. We
are trying to fnd our way in
an alien world. Your heart
pounds within your chest as
you try to make sense of all
the choices. Did I just do or
say something stupid? Difer-
ent people give diferent ad-
vice. How do I know what to
Just a few thoughts that come
to mind as I recall the tme of
adjustment from years ago
—Eli, Canada
The Bible Club
—By Rachel Arnold
The Bible club reaches many
people of all diferent ages
across the United States and
several other Countries.
Through the program, students
earn points by completng Bible
lessons as well as bonus lessons.
When a student reaches a cer-
tain amount of points (1000,
2000, 3000, and 4000 etc.…),
the student becomes eligible for
prizes. That is where I come in.
My name is Rachel Arnold, a
volunteer at MAP Ministries,
and I have been sending prizes
to students for a year and a half.
I enjoy sending prizes to stu-
dents who earn points through
the Bible Club. God has laid it on
my heart to help with this pro-
gram as well as pray for the indi-
viduals who I send prizes too. It
always amazes me to see each
student get higher and higher in
points untl they reach the top!
Through MAP, I send prizes
twice a month to students who
complete a certain point level.
For the frst level, students earn
a New Testament Bible. On av-
erage we send out 130 bibles a
month. What an amazing
thought to know that 130 indi-
viduals are getng to read God’s
Word all over the United States
on a monthly basis. That is 1,560
bibles a year!
A typical day for me at MAP con-
sists of organizing a list of stu-
dents who earned points for
that mailing period. Not all the
students on the list receive a
prize that tme around. I must
frst organize them into levels
and then into age groups. We
divide the students into groups
such as 0-11 years of age and 12
-up. Afer I organize the list, I
make labels, atach them to en-
velopes, and then I make sure
every student gets the right
prize and right bonus sheet for
their next lessons. Some of the
prizes are, Bible bookmarks,
balloons, erasers, key chains,
ribbons, wallets, coloring books,
and much more. On mailing
week, I usually send out 187
diferent prizes. Our biggest
month was afer Christmas
where I sent out over 400 prizes
for the month!
Through volunteering at MAP I
have been able to meet individ-
uals who devote much of their
tme to this Ministry but most
importantly are devotng their
tme to Christ. I volunteer to
help in the spreading of God’s
word. An amazing thought is
that the Bible Club could reach
individuals in every state in the
U.S. Wouldn’t that be amazing?
The Bible Club is an amazing
program that spreads the gos-
pel. I am pleased to be part of a
ministry that is so faithful in
serving God as well as serving
Rejoicing in hope; patent in
tribulaton; contnuing instant
in prayer
” —Romans 12:12
Portage Community Chapel
(PCC) wants to thank MAP
for the opportunity to minis-
ter with them. It was a bless-
ing to us to mingle and fel-
lowship with your staf and
volunteers. As we folded,
taped and labeled each of
the 2000 newsleters, our
hearts were moved for those
to whom they were to be
mailed. Our pastor's charge
to us is "to get on your heart
what God has on His heart -
the world". This ministry is
certainly in
step with
that and we
are privi-
leged to be a
part of serv-
ing Him to-
gether with
you and look
forward to more opportuni-
tes in the days ahead!
Note: We appreciate the PPC
group. They travel an hour
and a half to get to MAP, and
like so many other church
groups who help out at MAP,
they move large amounts of
work in Jesus’ name.
Serving the Lord
—By Dolly Robinson
Daniel is the son of
am Amish Bishop in
Michigan. When I
was frst connected
with him, he was
clearly searching
for God and pur-
pose in life.
His parents have already made it
clear that he is not welcome at home,
unless he repents and comes back to
stay. He was told if there is a death or
wedding in the family, he would not
hear about it.
As we ofen do, we mailed him a
package of CDs, a Bible and some
Bible study materials. Secondly, we
notfed a pastor in his area, who will
be helping Daniel out with his spiritu-
al and physical needs. At the present
tme, he is atending a Catholic
Church. Let’s pray for Daniel.