Page 4 - September 2012 MAP Update

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Over the past few months, MAP has helped people with the follow-
ing needs: driver’s licenses, jobs, Social security numbers, apart-
ments, counseling, US Citizenship and bank accounts.
We also helped two young girls go on to college, as well as helped
two mothers receive protection and financial aide. One was thrown
out on the street with only the clothes on her back.
With some help from his sister Maryann, John was finally able to
get his US Citizenship. His
family was originally from Can-
ada. The picture shows John
holding his US citizenship cer-
tificate, after he and I drove to
Cleveland to finish the paper-
work at the immigration office.
John got saved several months
ago and has been faithfully meeting for discipleship. He and I are
going through the book:
The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus
In September, we started our own GED classes with 8 in attend-
ance. The goal is to create a spiritual atmosphere, by starting out
with prayer and a scripture. Thanks to our teachers, Doug Plice, Al
Aaron Wolfe
who are vol-
two nights a
week. They
are doing a
great job!
Two mothers are going after their GED so they can home school
their children. Others are pursuing a higher education and possibly
going on to college.
Norma has for years volunteered two days a week at MAP. She is
one of the
going ladies
ever find and
Lord with all
She is also a
prayer warri-
or and piano player at First Baptist Church in West Salem OH. Ear-
lier this year, several former Amish ladies started attending the same
church. When I asked her if she would be willing to disciple two of
the ladies, she was all ears and excited. They are just about done
with their twentieth lesson, where they studied most doctrines of the
faith. Thank you, Norma, for giving your life in such a powerful
The need for an activity night for singles has been great. Thanks to
John and Miriam
Keim who have
worked very hard
over the years to
make this out reach
Recently, more adult
leaders joined the
ranks of making this ministry out-reach a greater priority. The
group meets every other Saturday evening to give young people an
opportunity to do something other than live the party life. As we
sat around the bon fire on this particular night, we discussed where
each person wanted to be at in five years.
Eleven Ministry Updates—Continued From Previous Page