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Mission to Amish People
P.O. Box 128, 575 St Rt 250 N
Savannah, Ohio 44874
(419) 962-1515
January 2012
Happy New Year
Great testimonies are not built in
one day. It takes time, hard
work, commitment and ongoing
faithfulness. It means, living a
clean life, spending God’s mon-
ey wisely, doing ministry right,
spending time on our knees and
studying the Scriptures. It means
being completely honest all the
time, walking with the Lord, ac-
tively serving in a local church
and being filled with His Spirit.
It means working hard at our
marriage and coming around our
families and praying over them.
Yes! It takes MUCH work!
The rewards that come at the end
of our labor hold a much greater
value than all the money and real
estate in the world.
Hebrews 11:13-16 tells the story
of those who traveled our path
before us:
“These all died in
faith, not having received the
promises, but having
seen them
afar off
, and were
them, and
them, and
that they were
strangers and pilgrims on the
they desire a better coun-
, that is, an heavenly: where-
fore God is not ashamed to be
called their God:
for He hath
prepared for them a city
My Trip to Columbia MO
—Joe Keim
Thank you
We would like to take
a moment and thank
you for making our
Christmas extra special
and over the top. Alto-
gether, we received
over 300 Christmas
cards, notes and spe-
cial gifts. Our family,
staff and volunteers
felt overwhelmed with
gladness and apprecia-
tion; there is just no
other family on earth
like the family of God.
You are the best!
We are very much
looking forward to
traveling through the
new year with you and
believe the Lord is
going to continue do-
ing great and mighty
things throughout the
months ahead.
Our goal in 2012 is to
keep you updated as
much as possible on
ministry activity. If
you are signed up for
our online updates, you
will receive some extra
updates along the way.
If you're not signed up,
and you have an email
address, please go to
click on
Receive Email
In a previous newsletter, we
shared how Mose from Colum-
bia MO got saved when he and
some filmmakers from the Na-
tional Geographic (NG) came to
visit our ministry in OH. It was
one of the most awesome events
that took place in 2011.
In November, the NG producer
called and said, “Joe, I want to
tell you something—Mose has
not been the same since we came
back from OH—his life is differ-
ent and, for that reason, we
would like to bring you to Co-
lumbia for a weekend in Dec.”
Before I could say anything, he
said, “we will pay for your flight,
rental car, food and mo-
tel.” So on Dec 9, I
found myself headed for
MO, not knowing for
sure how God was going
to use me but wanting to
make myself available
for His glory and eternal
When I got there, I found that
they had also brought some other
people in from several other
We had many great moments
together, but one of the greatest
moments happened when they
asked if I would do a devotional
on Sunday morning. I felt very
unprepared to do so but asked
the Holy Spirit to speak through
me, and He did. As I got up be-
fore the crew of about 30, the
Holy Spirit took over and for 15
minutes I shared with everybody
how the Lord had burdened
many of us in OH to pray for the
former Amish community in
Columbia; hundreds of times we
have prayed, “Lord, send a mis-
sionary to Columbia.”
The need, as I have mentioned
before is very great. In fact, since
I came back from Columbia,
several of the former Amish have
contacted our ministry, asking if
I would consider coming back
for some Bible studies. And as
you can imagine, every bit of me
wants to go there and spend a
month or longer, preaching and
teaching the gospel of Jesus
Christ. So many carry a tremen-
dous amount of emotional pain
and have no idea how to deal
with it in light of eternity and the
It is vital that you join us in pray-
er for God to send a missionary
to tell this special group about
Jesus and His healing grace.