Page 4 - Newsletter September 2011

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PO Box 128
575 St. Rt. 250 N
Savannah, Ohio 44874
Hello, I’m Billy Holbrook. In
June, 2010, I moved to Claridon,
OH to pastor the New Testament
Baptist Church, my third pastor-
ate. I served in WV
for two years and in
IL eight years, and
for three years minis-
tered as a church
evangelist in KY.
Everywhere the Lord
placed me; I discov-
ered a different chal-
lenge. Always my
goal was sharing the
gospel of Jesus
Christ; which I’ve
done through door-to-door con-
tacts and tracts, radio program-
ming, a newspaper and its deliv-
ery to the homes, etc. Here in
Geauga County of northeast OH,
is one of the largest Amish settle-
ments in the world.
At first I was like the typical pass-
ing tourist; finding Amish lifestyle
fascinating and loving the atmos-
phere it cultivates and encourages
in our small town. While I enjoy
the Amish buggies, bread, cheese,
and donuts, a burden has grown in
me to reach them with the gospel
of Jesus Christ. These days it’s
hard for me to look at the Amish
without seeing people immersed
in the traditions of men, trapped
by the philosophies of their cap-
I’ve had the honor of witnessing
to some only to find they trust in
obedience to their
parents as the way to
heaven. This, my
friends, challenges
me to reach them
with truth. Many
people assume that
because the Amish
appear religious and
live a plain lifestyle,
they must be right
with God. However,
they are sinners just
as all of us. They, too, need a Sav-
As I saw the need to
reach the Amish
with the gospel, I
began wondering
what type of ap-
proach to employ.
Since radio and TV
ministry were out
(grin), I considered
the door-to-door
approach. But as I
began learning about
the Amish, I realized how private
they were and figured they may
find door-knocking invasive. I
became aware of the Bishops’
authority and once they found out
I was door-knocking they’d forbid
their members to speak to me. I
prayed for a way to contact the
Amish in our area and the Lord
directed me to mail them the gos-
pel of John and Romans.
I trust these gospels will be used
by the Lord to reveal their great
need for Him. I’m certain His
Word will not return void and will
accomplish all that He has pur-
posed. We are currently stuffing
envelopes with John and Romans
to mail to the 2,129 Amish homes
where we have addresses.
May this article motivate you to
pray for the Amish who receive
our mailing, and
consider how God
may use you to con-
tact those in your
area. MAP Minis-
tries reaches some
with the
Amish Voice
but MAP can use
your help.
Please pray for our
efforts, MAP, and
the Amish - a people
in enormous bondage to sin, them-
selves, and manmade traditions.
They need someone to tell them
the liberating Good News, if you
don’t who will?
Reaching Amish in Middlefield OH
—By Pastor Billy Holbrook
Dear Joe, we have some exciting
news for you concerning the
Amish in our area. About 13
families have moved within a 3
mile radius of our home and are
very involved with English peo-
ple. Stuart has a repore with 10
families and their children on a
weekly basis.
We are so excited to tell you that
one family who recently moved
near my mother, has been very
curious about our faith. Stuart
had to take the father to town last
week and was with him in the
truck for about 3 hours. It al-
lowed for constant questions and
a open door.
Stuart asked him, how do you
know you are going to heaven;
he answered, we don't know. We
just hope so.
Stuart pulled over to the side of
the road and took out his Bible
and shared plan of salvation with
He said he was going home and
would look up those scriptures
for himself. Very interested.
It is a beginning and we ask you
to pray for us as we minister to
this kind, loving and lost people.
Thank you again for sharing your
live with us. May God continue
to bless and you serve Him.
Your friends,
S and N Clark, NY