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Dee ’ s News
Vo l ume 3 I ssue 3
In Memory of a Sweet Boy, Dalton Keim
Television Comes Calling: PBS and National Geographic
From Joe Keim, written on the
day of Dalton’s funeral:
“Today, we buried my two year
old nephew, the son of my broth-
er William (former Amish) and his
wife Jenica. When we first heard
that he passed away, it made so
little sense and was almost un-
bearable to accept. But now that
the funeral is over, we are already
seeing God’s sovereign and eter-
nal plan unfold and it’s starting to
make more sense. Here is how:
1. Except for one brother, it once
again brought our entire Keim
family, spouses and children to-
2. During the funeral, Pastor John
preached the gospel and, when he
gave an invitation, many respond-
After the funeral was over, our
whole family came together for
more fellowship.
Tragedy explained: Dalton Keim,
two years old, was mischievous
and had no fear. His mother was
cooking a wild turkey on the
stove, which had been boiling in
water for four to five hours and as
the family eagerly waited for the
turkey to get done, little Dalton
was behind his mother at the oven
and tried to pull himself up by the
oven door handle. When he did
that, the whole oven tipped for-
ward and all the hot water poured
down over his body. William and
Jenica just moved into this fully
applianced house less than two
months ago and had no idea that
the oven was not anchored down
and the oven could tip.
So quickly, joy and excitement
turned into sorrow and heartache.
Fourteen hours later and hun-
dreds of prayers from the heart,
God chose to take Dalton home to
Glory Land.
Between 800-900 people came out for
the viewing and about 400 attended
the funeral. ”
If you would like to send the Keims a
card, you can send it to:
William, Jenica & Malachi Keim
PO Box 128
Savannah OH 44874
A host of former Amish, and their
English friends, were featured in
two documentaries about the Amish
and former Amish in the spring of
2012. Some of those featured were:
Joe Keim, Mose Gingerich, Levi
Shetler, Esther, Jonas, Chris L, Al-
bert, Abe, Chris Y, Jonas, Cephas,
Saloma Furlong, Ira Wagler and
Gertrude Schlabach. Many more
former Amish not listed had on
screen time.
Both documentaries were partly
filmed at the Bible Study taught by
Joe Keim and hosted at Arlen and
Dee Yoder’s house in Mansfield,
OH. Filming was also done at John-
ny and Miriam Keim’s home in
Ashland, OH and many places in
and around Columbia, MO, Lancas-
ter, PA., Wisconsin and Indiana.
For information or to view online
the two documentaries, type the
links below into your browser.
For National Geo-
graphic: Amish Out
of Order:
For PBS: The