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May 2011
Volume 2 Issue 3
What’s New With the Former Amish:
Spring 2011
Hello Spring! What Took
You So Long?
It’s a Girl!
Meet Stephen Schmidt
What are POAs, Wills, &
Living Wills?
Mose & Harvey Earn Pro-
Follow-Up: Monroe Re-
ceives His GED!
They’re Engages!
Elizabeth Miller Survives
Serious Car Accident
Hello Spring! What Took You So Long?
In the dead of
winter, many times
I dream of the day
when warm winds
and bright sunshine return to Ohio.
But one of the most frustrating things
about the change of winter to spring is
how often snow and cold and blustery
winter winds keep coming back
around for another try. Why does it
take spring so long to finally show up?
I feel that way sometimes about life.
One day, the warm winds of happiness
are flowing over me, and the next day
the gusty winds of tragedy or pain take
over. I then wonder: what happened to
the happiness in life? This past Febru-
ary was one of those wintery times.
Like many of you, I was very sad to
hear of Elizabeth’s terrible car acci-
Dee’s News
It’s a Girl!
Perry and Maryann Keim welcomed their new
daughter, Angela Rose, to their family! She was
born on Wednesday, March 9, 2011. She
weighed 9 Lbs. 8 oz. and was 21 inches long.
My husband and I had the opportunity to visit
with the new family and little Angela is a happy
and sweet baby!
Congratulations, Perry and Maryann!
Is There a New
Baby in Your
We love to hear about new babies
and also like to print their photos.
If you would like to have your baby
announcement in the newsletter,
please send the date of birth,
weight, length, photo, and any de-
tails you’d like to share, to: Or mail
Dee Yoder
990 Annfield Dr.
Mansfield, OH 44903
If you’d also like to add your ad-
dress (in case a reader would like to
send a card), please feel free to let
me know so I can add that in the
article. Other news to share? Just
use the same address and email.
Angela Rose Keim
dent. I spent much time in prayer for
her and asked God for many miracles.
Abd He answered! She survived and is
still recovering. The situation didn't
suit me in every way, but I was grateful
for her life being saved.
Ever have the feelings I describe here?
One thing we always can rest in is
God loves us and He knows we have
times of suffering, and He cares! I like
to think about this when winter winds
of sadness appear:
Humble yourselves therefore under the
mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you
in due time: Casting all your care upon him;
for he careth for you.” (KJV 1 Peter 5:6,7)
Isn’t that a wonderful promise? Happy