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July 2011
Volume 2 Issue 4
What’s New With the Former Amish:
Summer 2011
PBS Films Former Amish/
Bible Study
Johnny & Miriam Keim
Open Store
Rachel Raber GED Gradu-
ation Ceremony
New Baby Girl to the
Meet with an Attorney
Barbara Burkholder Wants
Your Story!
Game Night: Let the Fun
Mini Manners Manual
In the Next Issue
PBS Films at Bible Study & Game Night
A few of the former Amish have been
involved with producer David Belton
and Callie Wiser in the making of a
PBS of Boston documentary called
. The documentary is scheduled
to be shown on national television
sometime in winter or spring of 2011-
2012. Joe Keim. Levi Shetler, and
Mose Slabaugh were filmed at various
times for the program.
One snowy Saturday in February, PBS
producer David Belton came to our
house to check out the Bible study my
husband, Arlen Yoder, hosts for Joe
Keim and the former Amish men in
the area. He must have liked what he
saw because he came back, with his
film crew, on May 14. It was quite an
interesting morning. The soundman,
John, and the cameraman, Tim, helped
Dee’s News
to set up the downstairs area. This in-
volved putting mics on Joe and Levi
(Mose had already had an interview
with the crew previous to the Bible
study morning). We were asked to
turn off the furnace fan, fridge, and
freezer to keep the background noise
As the Bible study proceeded, the film
crew recorded! Then we all met up
later that evening for game night at
Johnny & Miriam Keim’s house. A
birthday party was held for Levi
(which the PBS crew also filmed) and
the day ended with some very tired,
but happy, people.
It was a great experience and gave in-
sight into what goes into making a
documentary. Stay tuned for more in-
fo when the film is aired on PBS.
Tim Cragg, Cameraman
John Cameron, Soundman
Left to right: Brenda Nixon, Mattie Shetler, David
Belton (with camera), Pau Nixon, Joe Slabaugh.
Left to right: David Belton, Mattie Shetler, Paul
Nixon, Joe Slabaugh.