Page 11 - Amish_Voice_September_2011

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The Amish Voice 11
—Continued from back page—
Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to
whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom;
fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.”
Maybe you are like me, and think, but what
happens when the government spends my mon-
ey unwisely, or worse yet, they spend my mon-
ey on things like evolution, abortion, and vari-
ous other things that are strictly against the
Word of God.
My thoughts are as follows:
My job is to obey God’s ordinance, just like it
says in Romans 13:2:
“Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, re-
sisteth the ordinance of God: and they that re-
sist shall receive to themselves damnation.”
What the government does with my tax dollars
is up to them. They will be held accountable for
how they spend it.
Don’t forget, it takes taxes and government to
build and upkeep our roads, protect us from
harm, keep criminals behind bars and many
other things we enjoy and often take for grant-
So, let’s pay our taxes and pray that God would
give our government wisdom and a right mind
to spend it correctly and in a godly way.
—Joe Keim
The Lord Is My Shepherd: He Leads
Me in Paths of Righteousness for His
Name‟s Sake. —Psalm 23:3
He found me weary, and wounded, and
wandering. When He passed by and saw
me polluted in my own blood, He said unto
me, “Live.” (Ezekiel 16:5-6) He sought
the sheep which had gone astray. I lay
there dead in trespasses and sins.
(Ephesians 2:1) I had sinned and had
come short of the glory of God.
(Romans 3:23) I had not attained
unto His purpose. I had fallen far
short of His goal.
I became the object of His pity.
I was the object of His love. At
great jeopardy to Himself He
left the comfort of His Father’s
presence to come into a world
which would despise and reject
Him, a world that would nail him
to a tree; He came to seek and to
save that which was lost. He en-
dured the cross: He despised the
shame. Yet He would come. Other
sheep He must bring. Other sheep must
hear His voice. (John 10:16) All that the
Father gives Him must come. (John 6:37)
He would lead me out of this morass. He
would guide me safely home, but in order
to do this He must Himself become the
way. There is no other way but this. There
is salvation in no other. There is no other
name under heaven given among men
whereby we must be saved. (Acts 4:12)
As He climbed Golgotha’s hill, He bore our
grief; He carried our sorrow. As He hung
there on Calvary, He was stricken with the
stripes we deserve; He was wounded for
our transgressions; He was smitten
of God and afflicted. It is by
His stripes we are healed.
(Isaiah 53:4-5) Our sins
were laid upon Him and
He bore the blame of it
all. He said Father,
“Blame Me.” I take
the place of all who
will believe. I die in
their place; I die in
their stead.
I have heard the joyful
sound, “Jesus Saves, Jesus
Saves.” I want to shout the
tidings all around, “Jesus
Saves, Jesus Saves.” He is leading us gen-
tly home. He found us in our sins and is
leading us to His Father’s house above. To
Him be all the honor, all the glory, and the
praise of it all.
—Glenn Archer, Kirksville MO
The Lord is My Shepherd
—by Glenn Archer